Have a question? Something to share? I'd love to hear from you! 

onelittlemomma @ gmail . com


  1. I really like one of your boyfriend jeans looked every where online all the store but this one i really like can you please tell thankyou p.s i really like your outfit

  2. I saw these and thought of you:

  3. im really trying to find out what color you dye your roots.. I know you said it was a demi. but you didnt say the brand or color would you please share thanks so very much! your hair is amazing !! and Im learning alot

  4. im really trying to find out what color you dye your roots.. I know you said it was a demi. but you didnt say the brand or color would you please share thanks so very much! your hair is amazing !! and Im learning alot

  5. Hi, i discovered your blog just yesterday and i must say i've enjoyed it so much.
    Previously i saw your hairstyle in Pinterest and copy it for myself...:)
    Now i wanna ask you a favor: can you post a tutorial with your everyday eye make up? Please...
    Lots of hugs.


  6. Hi, i discovered your blog just yesterday and i must say i've enjoyed it so much.
    Previously i saw your hairstyle in Pinterest and copy it for myself...:)
    Now i wanna ask you a favor: can you post a tutorial with your everyday eye make up? Please...
    Lots of hugs.


  7. Hi there
    I tried emailing you but the email was sent back saying that the domain does not exist. Do you have another email contact I could try?

  8. hi
    I just want you to know I LOOOOVEEEE your hair.. I am a hairstylist for 10 years and I Have been looking to do something different with my color right now I am a Platinum Blonde and I looked and looked and found your ombre look and love it I am going this Friday to hopefully get the same look... So cute

  9. Any advice on a great casual shoe that will match most any attire?? I desperately need one!��


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