Ornate AND Gold Anyone??

I saw this mirror at Ikea about 2 years ago and have been pining for it ever since. I’m a sucker for an ornate frame, especially in a modern color.


When I found this gem garage saling a few months ago, I about fell over. Who gets rid of something like that??!?? Especially for $3. I probably could have even talked them down. Instead I forked over my three bucks and made a beeline for the car before they could change their minds. Pretty close to IKEA wouldn’t you say??


Once I got it home, one thing had to change. I’m all for ornate and I’m even all for gold, but not together- not my style.

So half a can of spray paint later, I was in heaven. It only took me two months to decide on a color.


Ivory it is.

Big Tip: When garage saling or thrifting look for unique items home decor that have great bones. You can always modernize something with a coat of paint. I have done several gallery walls on the cheap by buying cheap, interesting frames and painting them as well.

I also found out the hard way that you MUST buy the appropriate spray paint for the surface you are painting. If it is plastic, buy the paint that adheres to plastic or it will not stick evenly on the surface.


  1. LOVE the mirror! and I miss you! and I like the new blog.. great design, colors and layout :) and you should live closer to me to help me design my house.

  2. Loving this website, Kilee! I am definitely one in need of fashion/decor tips like this. Thanks!


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