Easy Burlap and Bling Framed Art/Christmas Decor

Burlap and Bling Framed Art
I really enjoy making a lot of the items that I decorate with. What I love most is designing them and as long as they are simple to do, I love making them too. I had some craft supplies out the other day at playgroup and came up with this quick little framed Christmas decoration using what I had on hand.
Supplies: Hot glue, scrap of burlap, multi-sized pearl beads, picture frame without the glass
I started out marking the three corners of my Christmas tree shape with permanent marker on my burlap. I didn’t want the marker to be seen through the beads so I didn’t risk outlining the entire shape.
Then I started gluing. I had 4-5 different sized and shaped pearl beads and mixed them all throughout the project. The colors varied between cream and white which I also appreciated.
Just keep gluing in small sections.
The finished tree. I have thought about adding a blingy broach as a ‘star’ to the top of the tree and still might if I find one. At this point I found the 8x10 frame I wanted and used the backing to trace and cut my burlap to shape. Then I hot glued it to the backing.
The finished product! I have used it for table décor and now have it on my Christmas mantle. I love how simple, cheap, and, chic it turned out!

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  1. SO CUTE!!!!!!!! I love the muted color scheme too! Earthy!!!

  2. Love this idea! I have so many random "bling" materials I can use for a project like this!

  3. super cute! I'm a fan of anything burlap. :) I would be honored if you shared this at my Ginger Jamboree Link Party!

  4. I love it Kilee! You are so creative and talented!


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