Christmas Glimpse + Shop Update

Hello on this last day of the year! Thanks for checking in on today. I hope you have a memorable and a safe New Years! As for our plans- time will tell. We have a party and a sitter lined up, but unfortunately we also have two sick kids. Boo!

Thank goodness the sickness waited to hit until after Christmas and we had a perfect holiday. Today I’m sharing a few (or a lot) of photos from our festivities.

Christmas Eve started off our festivities with a great dinner, games, and family time.


My Dad gave the Christmas Eve message including reading excerpts from the Christmas story.


Christmas morning we went over to my parent’s house after opening stockings at ours. I was so dang tired. I may be an adult now, but I still can not sleep on Christmas Eve. I was up late and up early.


My mom applying the finishing glaze to the best part of Christmas breakfast- homemade Cream Cheese Cherry Danish. I tried to eat only this for the entire day. It is that good.


Yes, I posted this photo on Friday, but it is worth looking at again. So delish.


Opening presents was so rewarding. Easton LOVED his watch. He looks so grown up in it!


Soren and I each got slippers from my parents. I can safely say I like mine better. And I am pretty sure that he can say the same about his.


As one of their gifts Soren made the boys each their own custom fitting quiver for their arrows and swords. He did such an incredible job on them. The boys were so happy! Nothing like a little boy in footie jammies and mini-leather quiver.



Soren made himself a sword for Christmas to match the ones he has made for the boys. They thought it was awesome. Now Dad can sword fight too!


I think Soren wins the award for the best gift giving this year because he also made me one of my gifts. He designed and crafted a new earring holder for me. It is made of leather and wood and turned out so cool- very Anthropologie. I can’t wait to post more about it later. It was a such a surprise!


Soren got a fancy knife for Christmas that he already knew about, but he was surprised by the root beer sampler I got him. I think he got 9 different kinds. It was nice for him to get at least one surprise.


Despite my expression, these movies were a gift to myself from Black Friday shopping. I couldn’t resist- they were such a deal!


My Dad surprised my Mom with tickets to Taylor Swift next year. He made such a sweet card to go with it that he brought my mom to tears. We all laughed at their cute romantics.


For the rest of the day, everyone just enjoyed their gifts (and each other!). Kesler watched Tangled with his new polar bear buddy and tested out headphones for his uncle.



Thanks for indulging me! I hope you enjoyed your Christmas as much as we did. Happy New Year!!!
{SHOP UPDATE} January 1, 2013, ONE little BELT will resume normal sales and shipping. We had a wonderfully successfully holiday season and I am so thankful for all of our great customers and their support. I’m so excited about the upcoming year and the new opportunities it will bring!
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