My Top 4 Wardrobe Pieces To Bring into 2013

As we look forward to 2013 fashion and prep for Spring, I want to discuss my top four wardrobe staples from the last year. (Yes, four is random, but I wanted to keep it simple!) I cannot see an end in sight for any of these pieces, so keep styling what you already have and feel free to pick up any of these that you have missed!

Wardrobe Stapes

1. Leopard Flat- I have worn the heck out of my Snow Leopard TOMS this last year and just picked up a pair of Target leopard ballet flats because this type of shoe is so versatile! This shoe can go with any of the following wardrobe items, as well as with almost any color. They are a great way to add a punch of print to an outfit.

2. Black Mid-weight Scarf- I love a black scarf for almost all seasons. You can pair it with a nautical stripe or floral print in the spring or tweed and textures in the fall and winter. The easiest way to wear one is to pair it with a print that has some note of black or gray in it.

3. Striped Top- The black and white thin striped top has been hot for the last few years. I still love it, but you can go with a navy or even dark brown  stripe too. This is a great piece for layering and pattern mixing. Once again you can wear it with all of our staples listed here. Like leopard- this pattern goes with every color so it is seasonless!


4. Fitted Jean Jacket- I will always wear a jean jacket, but these came back onto the mainstream fashion scene last year. They are perfect for colored or printed jeans and cords. You’ll see them with maxi dresses and skirts, shorts, and even yep, even sequins again this year. Choose whatever wash you prefer and as long as you keep it fitted you can’t go wrong.


Any favorite staples you’ll keep wearing out this year? If you have been on the edge, don’t be afraid to take the plunge and invest in at least one of these items in 2013!

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  1. Love your picks Kilee!
    I have a black scarf just like that and it's the softest thing ever. I've had a light denim jacket as well but haven't been able to find it in months... I know it has to be somewhere and once I go buy a new one it is destined to turn up ;)

    By the way, I'm giving away $50 to Shabby Apple today, you may want to enter :)


  2. Looks like I have some shopping to do! I need these!

  3. Love your blog! I'm a new follower and really appreciated this post. Thanks!

  4. Super cute looks and I love all four of your picks! I agree...every one of them are so in this year again! My jean jacket has been my surprise favorite...I never thought I'd love it again so much! I'd also include statement necklaces...they are here to stay! =)

  5. Love those shoes!! Have to check them out at Target!!

  6. Those are a few of my favorites from the past few years too! I have a pair of leopard flats from Target from a few years ago that I adore. They are getting worn so I will have to head over there and find a new pair!!!

  7. I am only missing the leopard flats! I have been on the lookout though!


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