How To make A Denim Vest- So Easy!


I mentioned last week that I have a major crush on denim vests right now. I love finding new wardrobe pieces to add to my wish list, but my pocketbook can’t support them all. I decided to add denim vest to my thrifting wish list and I realized that maybe I could even make my own. 

A cool denim vest might be hard to come by thrifting, but a denim jacket is more common. Turning a jacket into a vest seemed like a viable option.


I wanted my vest to be fitted so I started looking for denim jackets that were too small to be worn as jackets.  I actually found one in the girls’ jacket section for only $2.50. I recommend going down about two sizes from your normal jacket size.The key is making sure that it still fits ok across the back and the armpits. This one fit the bill. The sleeves and body were too short to be worn as a jacket, but the back and shoulders fit okay.

I literally took my new jacket home and cut the sleeves off of it. I thought that I would have to run a stitch around the the open edge, but because of its construction, it was easy to cut very closely under the seam which left no raw edges. I ran an iron over it and it was done!


This was yet again, a shockingly easy and yet dream fulfilling project. I am in love with this vest and know it will become a staple in my closet this year. If I can do this- you can do it too!




  1. I want to make one of these! I love denim vests AND jackets! I am still trying to find some of your other must haves that you have talked about! I need you to take me shopping!

  2. I love that you make a thrifting wish list. I need to start one of those. I thrift but it's usually just whatever catches my eye.

  3. Love it! I am now totally on the hunt for a cheap jean jacket! Thanks for the great idea =)

  4. I'm desperate for those camo skinnies from Gap....even though I am never in the jungle brush or anything......they just go with everything! Love the denim too!

  5. Savers to the rescue!! I need to try that!

  6. I am absolutely going to do this! I have a vest that I bought last year, but it's too big for me now and I've been holding onto it because I love it so much. Headed to the thrift store tonight, and I'm going to look for a denim jacket I can use to do this. Thanks!

    Found you via What I Wore Wednesday

  7. Hold up! You literally just cut off the sleeves? That's so easy, I can do that!! :)

  8. Great idea. Thanks! I've just been searching the internet for a denim vest, but now I'll take a trip to Goodwill with an open mind. Good tip to buy it smaller.

  9. Adorable! I was just eyeing a white denim jacket in my closet this morning with the same thought in mind!


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