InstaFriday: Easter Prep

With Easter around the corner, I feel like Spring is in the air!  We have had a great week of preparing for Easter- from teaching/learning about the real meaning of Easter to prepping Easter outfits to decorating cookies.
My sewing machine has been in the shop for two weeks now and I finally got it back. It works beautifully and I started on my backlog of sewing projects right away. First up was my skirt for Easter. The tutorial I followed was really easy and I actually whipped up two skirts at once for good measure.

We had a great family night on Monday where we had a little lesson about the crucifixion and resurrection. The kids did really well and caught on quickly. I am amazed at what their little minds can process and remember at such young ages. We also watched this little video and then decorated sugar cookies. Easton did the decorating- Kesler ate the frosting.
We are hosting Easter dinner at our house this year and I'm trying to keep it low key- but we will see what happens. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with family and friends!

Have a photo worthy weekend!  Linking up to Instafriday at Life Rearranged.


  1. I am loving the sneak peek of that outfit up there!

  2. Your outfit looks so cute! Happy Easter !!

  3. Love your outfit for Easter! Would you please share the tutorial you used-my closet would love a few new skirts for spring :)

  4. I love that fabric. Inspired me to do some sewing today, thank yoU!


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