InstaFriday: Mom Leaves Town

The preparations for a mom to leave town are unbelievable  By now you know that I was out of town for a four day trip to Salt Lake City for a blogging conference last weekend. I was so excited to go and so were all of the other attendees. Reading the forums and on Instagram about everyone else’s preparations put the pressure on! Not only did the meals and babysitting and general life arrangements need to be made- but perfect outfits and business cards and roommate gifts had to be planned too!

I tried to stay away from the pressure, but admit I caved a few times as I bought a few new items of clothing, a cute notebook and THREE pairs of shoes! I went into the thrift store looking for a pair of black flat sandals and came home with all of these babies! I couldn't say no to any of them! Could you???


Soren was on Dad duty while I was gone and he always has so much fun with the boys. This is before I left, but a great example of quality Dad time. He had both kiddos out in work gloves, harnesses, ropes, and other climbing equipment. They were learning to work together and help each other climb the rocky lots near our house. How darling are they??


Right before I left we celebrated my brother Logan’s 15th birthday. I can’t say enough how fabulous it is to live near family. My boys were pretty excited to help him sing, blow out candles and open all of his gifts.



And here we have the moments leading up to me walking out the door. One of these doesn't belong…could it be the enormous industrial suitcase next to the two cute vintage ones? I knew we would be bringing back a lot of extra items from our trip so that huge suitcase has a smaller one packed inside along with all of my belongings. Next week I’ll be posting all about what I wore to SNAP! and tidbits of what I learned. I can’t wait to share!


Have a photo worthy weekend!  Linking up to Instafriday at Life Rearranged.


  1. I saw you so many times at SNAP and wish now that I'd introduced myself. The shopping pre-SNAP, I swore too that I wouldn't buy anything new just for the conference and totally caved when I found cute stuff at great prices as well. Love your vintage suitcases and your boys playing outside together. So sweet.

    1. Darn! I wish you would have. It is so hard to approach people at those things! Hope you had a great time at the conference!

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