SNAP Day 1: Outfit and Lessons Learned (Google + and Pinterest)



Shirt, Jacket and Shoes: Thrifted, Pants: Old Navy Maternity

The first day of my first blog conference was a bit nerve wracking, but thankfully it was filled to the brim with classes and events so there wasn't too much time to feel awkward or think too much about things.

(I realize that if you don’t blog or own a handmade business then the class info that I will be sharing this week won’t too applicable. But I’ll have an outfit post each day so feel free to skip the info and just pin the outfit.)

Google + (Carolina Moore)
* Why be on Google +? To be more findable on the internet. Anytime someone in your circle +1’s you it counts as a vote or a seal of approval from them. Google + also hasn’t exploded yet so now is the time to start creating your space there.
*Everything you share on Google + will be seen by whichever circles you share it to. It doesn’t discriminate what your friends see like Facebook does.
*Hash tags work on Google + just like on Instagram and Twitter.
*Google + has many different services like photos, hangouts, event pages, and circles. You don’t need to use all of them but some of them can really benefit everyone.
*Video chats on Google + are a great way to easily publish to You Tube without all of the post production work.
*The best way to grow a following on Google + is to be active, post about trending topics, use trending hash tags and join communities.

Pinterest (Jamielyn Nye and Heather Thoming)
*Ways to hook Pinterest browsers quickly: use vertical photos, rename your photos, use great descriptions, put your website in your caption, use a call to action, and be sure your photos are clean while using negative space well.
*Build your brand on Pinterest by building your boards full of pins that fit your brand. Be sure people can trust what you are pinning.
*Stick with three fonts and a similar graphic design style for all of your project photos. This will allow you to be recognizable.
*Name your Pinterest boards with obvious, not creative, names. Also use the descriptions of your boards to stick in all of the key words that make up that board’s topic.
*Always be the original pinner. Don’t repin. Go to the source and pin from there.
*The best times to pin are 7-11 am EST and 7-11 pm EST on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Saturday morning also does well.
*Putting the price in the description of a product makes it 33% more likely to sell.

This week you will be reading info on the rest of my classes. I'll update these links as the posts go live this week.

Google + and Pinterest


  1. So fun! I look forward to reading all your tips and seeing your amazing outfits!

  2. Old Navy rocks for maternity clothes! I always got compliments when I wore their stuff. Love the shoes too!

    Link up with me at Watcha Wearing Wednesday

  3. Awesome tips! I love your white jeans. You are too cute!

  4. cutest!! I love the whole look! who says maternity has to be boring??

  5. I love this! It's a fun unexpected combo with the white pants.



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