SNAP Day 2: Outfits and Lessons Learned (Monetizing, Brand Collaboration and Branding)


Top: Target Maternity, Sweater: Old Navy, Pants: GAP, Shoes and Bag: Thrifted


Shirt and Shoes: Thrifted, Pants: Old Navy Maternity, Blazer: Half of Half

The second day at SNAP was a whirlwind! My 33 week pregnant self was exhausted! I did make it through the entire day in wedges and with plenty of water, caffeine and Tylenol. So many of my dreams came true as I met my blog and business idols (Hello Lisa Leonard!) and worked on getting out of my comfort zone.

(I realize that if you don’t blog or own a handmade business then the class info that I will be sharing this week won’t too applicable. But I’ll have an outfit post each day so feel free to skip the info and just pin the outfit.) 

Monetize Your Blog (Beckie Farrant)
*Your sidebar is premium space. Don’t fill it up with any extras like buttons or other clutter.
*It is better to pay for a sponsored post than to buy sidebar button space on other blogs.
*If you plan to monetize your blog, start now.
*To find an ad network first stop creating and devote time to figuring it out. Ask around and Google search for networks that fit your blog. Don’t be afraid to try a new network.

Collaborating with Brands (Mandi, Kate, Melissa)
*There are many ways to work with brands and sponsors. (Sponsored posts, product review, contractual partnerships, guest blogging, and attending events.)
*Look for brands that are the right fit for you and your readers. Be sure they are brands you love and are relative to your readers. Be sure you really LOVE anything you post about.
*If you take the sponsor out of a sponsored post, would the post still hold it’s own? Be sure to always create valuable content for your readers.
*Start a sponsored post with a story- no one wants to read a commercial.

Branding (Becki and Lisa Bacon)
*Build your brand with consistent fonts, colors and style.
*Connect emotionally with your readers/customers.
*Don’t brand yourself with trends because those change. Brand yourself with logo, patterns, colors or images that really are true to you.
*Where do you envision your logo ending up in the end game? On clothing tags? On a bill board or on packaging? Plan for that.

Check out more info about my classes at SNAP!

Monetize Your Blog, Collaborating with Brands, and Branding


  1. Thank you for all your great tips! I am glad you had a great time!

  2. Thanks for sharing all the fab tips!!

  3. I love your second outfit, super cute!

  4. You def pull off the army pants well! Love those wedges and that blazer too!!!

  5. As I head to a conference tomorrow your tips are in my mind. Thank you! I agree with Adrienne! You can totally pull off the army pants. The wedges are fantastic!

    Link up with me at The Mummy Chronicles on Watcha Wearing Wednesday

  6. I have never been able to attend a blog conference, but I really appreciate everyone sharing what they've learned. It's such good information!

    Also, you look so cute in your outfits!


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