InstaFriday: We Live In Missouri

We live in Missouri. We live in the city, but close enough to the country that this is what we did for playgroup last week. A friend's mom has chickens and a few goats so we went up to check them out. The kids had a great time and it was hilarious to see them interact with them. Kesler loved chasing the chickens around their pen and throwing out feed for them. 

We made a stop inside the chicken coop and Easton was lucky enough to see a chicken lay an egg. There was plenty of chicken poop and a lot of squawking. I'm not sure the chickens were loving the visitors, but it was a great, cheap field trip.

We had some fun with our sidewalk chalk the other day. The kids weren't into drawing with it until we poured some water down and mixed up some chalk paint. Then the kids made foot and hand prints. It was a very happy accident. 

Luckily for this fashion conscious momma, my kids don't care to dress themselves much. They will wear whatever I give them. Except Kesler usually has to add his own costume piece. He can usually be spotted in a cape, or a bandanna, or a mask of some sort. It is totally adorable and heart warming to any and all strangers. 

Have a photo worthy weekend!  Linking up to Instafriday at Life Rearranged.


  1. Our neighbors across the street from us have chickens! When they go out of town we chicken-sit and get the keep the eggs that they lay. There's nothing like a fresh egg still warm out the chicken butt! ;]


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