Faux Wood Patterned Crib Sheets: Nursery Decor DIY

faux-bois-crib-sheets1 title

The faux bois or fake wood grain pattern has been trending for at least a year now. I really love it and as I have been decorating my rustic/Western nursery- it only made sense for me to include it. At first I considered drawing the wood grain on one of the walls and then I realized that was crazy. I opted for a much smaller and more manageable surface- the crib sheets.

I bought some basic beige cotton sheets at Target and looked up some faux wood patterns as examples.

Then I took my wide tipped black Sharpie and got to work.

The trick I found was not being too careful or deliberate. It was actually pretty hard to be loose and almost sloppy, but the longer I worked on it the more I got the hang of it.

I love how it turned out! It was so much easier than doing a whole wall, but still added a lot of pattern to the room.




And if that wasn’t enough wood grain for one crib, I found this fabric at JoAnns and covered an extra pillow with it. It was pretty boring until I added some felt arrows. I think it pulled the black in from the sheets really well! 


See other projects from this nursery below.


  1. I love this! But did the sharpie fade into the white sheets or anything like that?

    1. Thank you! The Sharpie bled through the sheet in tiny spots, but very minimal. I have not washed the sheet many times yet to see how the marker holds up, but so far so good!

  2. This is super cute and so creative. Hmm...this gives me ideas about what to do with those sheets my kids "ruined" by drawing on them. Thanks!

  3. what if baby puts the sheet in his/her mouth, isnt the sharpie marker toxic?
    its a beautiful design tho!


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