InstaFriday: Three Nickels Boys

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The first thing most people say when they see or hear that I have three boys now is, "Wow, you are going to be busy!" I can tell ya now that it is already the truth. Especially since Soren has been home on paternity leave- making it four boys at home! Kesler and Easton have been loving having Dad home so much lately and definitely been his little shadows. 

I can't express how funny Kesler looked as he 'mowed' the lawn the other evening. With his socks pulled up and sneakers on- plus a little pot belly, he was totally looked like a little grandpa. He is always so expressive too so for whatever reason he had his game face on too. Tough lawn mowing grandpa style. 

Dad has been the inventor of many games these last few weeks- one of which was to hang a climbing rope from the ceiling in the boy's room. I have my fears, but no injuries yet and the boys LOVE it. 

We finally tried out making our own chalk paint. Can I just say that this is one of my favorite toddler activities ever??? It was so easy and the colors were so vibrant. I used this recipe and we used neon and regular food coloring. There was a question of whether it would wash off because of how much food coloring I used and thankfully it did. It stained fingers, but not the driveway.

Dad has been bonding with the newest little guy too- I love this photo of both of them.

I think that 80% of my "extra" energy right now is spent on keeping the house in some kind of order. I can't handle sitting on the couch nursing while I watch the house be torn apart- oh wait, but that is exactly what happens. See below. 

 I'm so proud of Easton and the great big brother he is becoming. He asked me to take his picture with his bike and I happily obliged. 

I'm not a big swimmer, but I do love to go to the pool in a suit and get a tan. Knox has yet to get in yet, but he knows how to sport cute pool duds and relax poolside. 

Have a photo worthy weekend!  Linking up to Instafriday at Life Rearranged.


  1. Your boys are adorable! Yes, you'll be busy...but boys are so much fun and so sweet!

    Hopping over from InstaFriday at Life Rearranged. Have a great weekend!



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