What Kids Wore Wednesday Link Party

Welcome to What Kids Wore Wednesday- the link party for kid, toddler and baby style! With school starting I know you all have photos to share of your kids in their new outfits. Be sure to blog about it and share! You'll be so happy you kept a record of it later down the road!

What did my kids wear this week? Knox and I dressed a little bit country this week- he in his overalls and me in my cowgirl boots and a summer dress I thrifted last week. This last week or so he has really started to try and communicate more with us and his little coos are just to die for. What a lovey little baby!

ombre bob, angled cut

denim vest, sun dress and cowgirl boots

denim vest, sun dress and cowgirl boots

denim vest, sun dress and cowgirl boots

denim vest, sun dress and cowgirl boots
Knox: Overalls- Old Navy
Bandana- H&M
Me: Vest- Garage Sale
Dress- Thrifted
Boots- Thrifted (Wrangler)

Our feature this week is from D-Isis.  I am loving this boots paired with a summer dress.... it looks like she and I were thinking alike this week! What a sweet summer outfit! Thanks for linking up!

Want to link up? Here are some guidelines…

1. link to your specific blog post, not your blog’s main page.
2. please only link kids' outfit related posts. no giveaways or unrelated crafts.
3. feel free to link back here to me so that WKWW makes sense to your readers. grab a button from the sidebar (see the code box?).
4. check out as many links as possible! and comment! we all LOVE a comment!


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