3 Tips for Dressing Postpartum- Honest and Easy Ideas

3 Honest Tips for Dressing Postpartum- good ideas to try and things to remember

I love babies- I don't love being pregnant. So as soon as I have a baby, I'm ready to be me again; I'm ready to dress like myself, move like myself and just feel like me. I bet I'm not alone in this but unfortunately life doesn't work that way. It takes nine months to grow a baby and go through the physical changes that pregnancy takes- so it obviously will take some time to reverse that process.

After I had Knox I was ready to get back into my old clothes, but instead found myself still in maternity clothing and leggings on most days. This made sense and worked because I was basically at home for a few weeks and still figuring out how to do the baby stuff again. But when I did go out, I was ready to get dressed for real. I used a few tricks to dress my postpartum body and change up what I was wearing to feel more like myself. By no means is this a comprehensive list of postpartum dressing tips, but these are a few.

1. Layer (Carefully)

Layering clothing can be incredibly helpful when dressing postpartum, or it can be your worst enemy. Layer clothing to give the illusion of a thinner midsection. Don't layer bulky sweaters over button ups just yet; instead layer an open button-up shirt or a jacket over a loose-ish tee. An open button-up or a jacket will create vertical lines that frame your torso and make it look thinner. Be sure your tee underneath isn't too tight so that it doesn't hug anywhere too tightly. Now that Fall is here try an open chambray shirt, like you see below, or a boyfriend cardigan layered over a striped tee.

3 Honest Tips for Dressing Postpartum- good ideas to try and things to remember

2. Loose tops, Fitted Bottoms

The over sized trend that is big right now is perfect for you postpartum mommas. A loose cut top will hide the pooch and be easy to nurse in. Try a loose blouse or even a thin drapey sweater. Be sure to balance an over sized top with fitted pants or a fitted skirt. Show a little skin with a wide neckline, cropped pants or 3/4 length sleeves this Fall.

3 Honest Tips for Dressing Postpartum- good ideas to try and things to remember

3. Buy New Clothes That Fit You Now

Your hubby might try to talk you out of it. You will try to talk yourself out of it, but do it. Seriously. There is nothing that will make you feel more like yourself than something (or a few things) that are your style in your current size. Even if you get back to your same weight quickly- your measurements will have changed. (Think bust, tummy, behind...) Buying new jeans and some tops are NOT in any way a sign that you will stay that size or shape forever (although if you do then great- you have clothes that you like and fit!). It just means that you will have things that make you feel pretty in this transitional period.  A postpartum body is very different from a pre-baby one which can be kinda depressing sometimes, even for the most optimistic of us. If you are on a budget go to the thrift store, hit up Target's sale rack or head to TJ Maxx with an honest friend- not your hubby. A girl friend can kindly help you find things that you like in a size that works.

And then at the end of the day- be kind and patient with yourself. I've talked about body image before, but it is all the same. The less you focus on the negative- the less of it there will be.

And remember that this is what your husband is thinking of your new body! Make sure his opinion counts for something! My hubby got me this card when our second was born and loved it so much that he re-gave it to me with our third!

3 Honest Tips for Dressing Postpartum- good ideas to try and things to remember

If you have any questions or need opinions, I'd love to hear them. Feel free to tag me on IG and I'd love to weigh in on the clothing decisions!


  1. I love those red sandals in the first photo. Where did you get them?!

  2. O.k. that card is PERFECT!!! I think every mama (myself included) needs to hear that. Sometimes I sadly reflect on the memory of what they once were....ha. But my two darlings are well worth everything I had to "give" and more! Of course.:)


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