InstaFriday- Catch Up

Seriously- Catch Up is the best name I can think of for this post, and for life in general right now. I am realizing that I have a lot on my plate and it has become more than I can chew. I'm being real today just so that you know that I can't do it all. I'm admitting defeat a little bit. Knox has started to wake up more and wants to be held (heaven forbid) and he isn't on a schedule yet- so pretty much all of my spare time is GONE. I wasn't not expecting it, but its still rough to actually deal with. My house is chaos, orders are going out late, and blog posts are being written by the skin of my teeth. I feel like I am always catching up and it is exhausting for someone who likes to be prepared and ready for everything ahead of time!

I know this is just that time of life for me, but it is hard to be torn between being a mom (which I love but is demanding) and working which is awesome and hard in a different way. I want to put my kids and husband first, but after that, I have been trying to identify what has to go.

I have two Etsy shops and the blog- all of which I am trying to expand right now. I also start my turn teaching our preschool co-op next week and I'm still taking my ballet class once a week. Not to mention I have two races that I should be training for, but am usually too tired to get up in the morning to run.

Are you exhausted just from reading this yet?

So far I have quit my freezer meals group and am aiming to pass play group planning on to another momma. It's hard to let those things go, but I just need to narrow down my list of to-dos.To be honest with you, I'm looking to get some help with house cleaning as well. I feel guilty about it on one hand, but feel like we need it on the other. I'm not the type to let my house go and I feel like keeping it up is all I do while the kids are awake. I hate that and if I want to grow my businesses and my blog and stay sane as a mom of three, I feel like I need to call in the professionals on the house cleaning front.

So new lessons in life and motherhood are abounding over here. While it sounds like I'm whining like crazy- I really am SO happy and loving this time of life. This is the best life has been and it keeps getting better!  I'm definitely learning to be more patient and let go of some of the selfishness that likes to creep in. It is hard to let things go, but it is even harder to do all things poorly just because I don't want to admit defeat. I don't want my kids to have a constantly stressed out momma and I want to put them first.

How do you deal when it feels like your plate is too full? Any tips from you veteran mommas?


  1. Oh my goodness you seem exhausted ;) When life gets too crazy you can always really think about what you "need" to do and what you "want" to do, make a list and toss the things that are just wants, then put your needs in order by importance and tackle them that way. You cant do it all my friend, none of us can, I have 4 kids, homeschool, and trust me I know exactly how you feel, this is when you just focus on the needs in life and let the rest go...hope you figure it out soon...

  2. Last year as a Christmas gift, my mom and husband went in together and hired someone to help clean my house (and by help, she does most of it). I too felt bad about it, but it has been such a blessing!

  3. I completely intend on hiring some house cleaning and babysitting help on the regular next year after baby #4 arrives and hubby deploys very soon after for 10 months! I won't feel guilty at all. I homeschool, and am on duty 24/7 alone, so help is welcomed! I still don't know how you add a business onto 3 kids, but it's ok if other things have to slide:) you're doing great!

  4. I'm in a similar phase of life. A 4yr old in preschool with homework (?!), 5 month old twins, and a full time demanding career. It's exhausting to say the least. I feel like a walking zombie most days! I thought I had my twins on a schedule, but things seem to have gone haywire with that.

    I totally get how you feel! I feel pulled in many different directions.

    I will say - do not feel guilty about getting house cleaning help! I'm so so glad I did it.

    Hang in there!

  5. I am growing baby 3 right now. I had a really demanding job that I just couldn't give my all to and took the plunge to become a SAHM when I found out I was pregnant. My confidence is really low so I have stripped everything back and am just focusing on looking after my two boys ( 3 & 1). It's the little things that are most difficult to give up! Like I have woken up with a cold but still feel guilty about not going to church this morning. You are doing a great job and should not feel guilty. My Grandma used to say "the dust will be there when you are dead" so if you can afford a cleaner then go for it x

  6. I am growing baby 3 right now. I had a really demanding job that I just couldn't give my all to and took the plunge to become a SAHM when I found out I was pregnant. My confidence is really low so I have stripped everything back and am just focusing on looking after my two boys ( 3 & 1). It's the little things that are most difficult to give up! Like I have woken up with a cold but still feel guilty about not going to church this morning. You are doing a great job and should not feel guilty. My Grandma used to say "the dust will be there when you are dead" so if you can afford a cleaner then go for it x

  7. I am growing baby 3 right now. I had a really demanding job that I just couldn't give my all to and took the plunge to become a SAHM when I found out I was pregnant. My confidence is really low so I have stripped everything back and am just focusing on looking after my two boys ( 3 & 1). It's the little things that are most difficult to give up! Like I have woken up with a cold but still feel guilty about not going to church this morning. You are doing a great job and should not feel guilty. My Grandma used to say "the dust will be there when you are dead" so if you can afford a cleaner then go for it x

  8. I am growing baby 3 right now. I had a really demanding job that I just couldn't give my all to and took the plunge to become a SAHM when I found out I was pregnant. My confidence is really low so I have stripped everything back and am just focusing on looking after my two boys ( 3 & 1). It's the little things that are most difficult to give up! Like I have woken up with a cold but still feel guilty about not going to church this morning. You are doing a great job and should not feel guilty. My Grandma used to say "the dust will be there when you are dead" so if you can afford a cleaner then go for it x

  9. I am growing baby 3 right now. I had a really demanding job that I just couldn't give my all to and took the plunge to become a SAHM when I found out I was pregnant. My confidence is really low so I have stripped everything back and am just focusing on looking after my two boys ( 3 & 1). It's the little things that are most difficult to give up! Like I have woken up with a cold but still feel guilty about not going to church this morning. You are doing a great job and should not feel guilty. My Grandma used to say "the dust will be there when you are dead" so if you can afford a cleaner then go for it x

  10. I am growing baby 3 right now. I had a really demanding job that I just couldn't give my all to and took the plunge to become a SAHM when I found out I was pregnant. My confidence is really low so I have stripped everything back and am just focusing on looking after my two boys ( 3 & 1). It's the little things that are most difficult to give up! Like I have woken up with a cold but still feel guilty about not going to church this morning. You are doing a great job and should not feel guilty. My Grandma used to say "the dust will be there when you are dead" so if you can afford a cleaner then go for it x

  11. I am growing baby 3 right now. I had a really demanding job that I just couldn't give my all to and took the plunge to become a SAHM when I found out I was pregnant. My confidence is really low so I have stripped everything back and am just focusing on looking after my two boys ( 3 & 1). It's the little things that are most difficult to give up! Like I have woken up with a cold but still feel guilty about not going to church this morning. You are doing a great job and should not feel guilty. My Grandma used to say "the dust will be there when you are dead" so if you can afford a cleaner then go for it x

  12. Oh girl, I wish I could give you a big hug in person right now! While our stressors are a little different, I empathize so much with all of this! We own and run two businesses and I have an incredibly demanding medication schedule and so many other things I love to do that make me happy. I am slowly realizing it is okay to let some things go...there is so much courage found in being able to admit that!



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