Personalized Purse Organizers for Momma and the Kids

Easily customize these blank bags to organize your purse with items for you and for your kids.

I have a weakness for large bags. My go-to purse is actually a vintage carry-on suitcase because it has all of the room I need! I love to carry a big purse because I love being prepared. Whenever we go on trips my husband always tries to limit my bag count because, well I tend to go anywhere prepared for any situation. As a mom there are countless items that might come in handy say if someone burns their leg on the tail pipe of the van or if someone draws all over the pews at church.

But these big bags have a problem- they can carry so much that they usually get pretty messy and then it gets hard to find what I need when I need it. So when I found these blank make-up bags at Target I thought they would be a great solution to my bag problem. I'm sure you can find similar bags at Micheal's or Hobby Lobby. I grabbed two of them and wanted one for my stuff (make up, hair ties, etc.) and one for the kids' things (crayons, Tylenol, band aids, etc.).

Easily customize these blank bags to organize your purse with items for you and for your kids.

The bags had a fun print inside, but I wanted to personalize the outside to make them easy to find in the darkness the abyss I call a purse.

Easily customize these blank bags to organize your purse with items for you and for your kids.

I printed out the words I wanted on each bag in a fun font and sized it accordingly.

Easily customize these blank bags to organize your purse with items for you and for your kids.

Then I used freezer paper as my stencil. Basically I traced and then cut out the words from the freezer paper so that it acted like a stencil. Then I temporarily ironed down waxy side of the freezer paper to hold it to the fabric and painted the stencil on the bags with fabric paint.

Easily customize these blank bags to organize your purse with items for you and for your kids.

I like the words on them and originally thought that was all I would do, but I decided it needed something else.

Easily customize these blank bags to organize your purse with items for you and for your kids.

I grabbed some miniature Martha Stewart stencils and added a fun print to each bag. Before stenciling I made sure to tape off the lettering so that it would stay clean.

Easily customize these blank bags to organize your purse with items for you and for your kids.

Easily customize these blank bags to organize your purse with items for you and for your kids.

And that was it. It was a quick afternoon project that was fun and easy. I loved choosing my own font and pattern for each bag. And they really have kept my purse SO much cleaner.

Easily customize these blank bags to organize your purse with items for you and for your kids.

Easily customize these blank bags to organize your purse with items for you and for your kids.

Easily customize these blank bags to organize your purse with items for you and for your kids.

What are must haves that you always carry in your purse? I'm always on the hunt for more!


  1. These are so darling. I love that you are crafty. I am a sucker for anything good DIY.

  2. such a good idea! i always lose everything in my purse.

  3. You post the neatest DIY projects! Those stencils are beautiful too.


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