What I Wore- Vintage Tee + Cropped Boot Cut Denim

Pair a vintage tee with cropped boot cut jeans for a casual chic end of Summer look. Perfect for a baseball game or barbeque!

Pair a vintage tee with cropped boot cut jeans for a casual chic end of Summer look. Perfect for a baseball game or barbeque!

Pair a vintage tee with cropped boot cut jeans for a casual chic end of Summer look. Perfect for a baseball game or barbeque!

Pair a vintage tee with cropped boot cut jeans for a casual chic end of Summer look. Perfect for a baseball game or barbeque!

My favorite part about thrifting is that you never know what you will find. I always have a running wish list in my head, but most of the time I am surprised by what treasures I find (or don't find!). The last time I did a big shopping trip, I found this amazing vintage Cubs tee, Seven jeans and turquoise necklace. While I was excited about the tee and the necklace, the pants were iffy. I knew they would fit well- if they fit. I don't ever try things on at thrift stores ( I know, I know, you should if you can) unless I try them on over my clothes. So these jeans were looking on the small side and the too-short side when I bought them. BUT they were Sevens! For a steal. So I brought them home and low and behold they buttoned, but were still too short. Thank goodness Shana let me in on a new look- the cropped boot cut. So in just a few snips- I had a pair of the PERFECT cropped boot cut jeans! What do you think ? Are you willing to take scissors to yours???


  1. Oh, I don't know if I could do it. I've never been successful with even doing shorts. I love it on you though and cute hair and sandals!

    Show off you look! Come get inspired and link up with me at Whatcha Wearing Wednesday! www.themummychronicles.com


  2. Hey, that's so cool that you were able to cut the jeans to make them work for you! And you really did get great deals!

    The Random Writings of Rachel

  3. Love the tee! I want to my first Cubs game in July and had so much fun!

  4. This is the perfect laid back look! You are darling!


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