What I Wore- Vintage Tribal Print Blouse and a Color Pop Skirt


The perfect ankle boot for any outfit- pair them with bright colors like teal and red this Fall.

Vintage blouse

Ombre short hair
Top: Vintage
Skirt: Thrifted 
Boots: Old Navy
Earrings, Cuff: F21

When I saw this blouse I was instantly attracted to it, but kept second guessing myself. I loved it, but was it too over the top? Too vintage? (Is there such a thing?) Anyway I decided to go for it and I'm so glad I did! Do you ever waffle about buying a certain item and then once you take it home you think, "What was I thinking?!? Of course this is amazing!" It happened with these boots too! I was in Old Navy with a friend and impulse bought the booties. Once I got home I was SO glad I picked them up when they were on sale. If you don't have any ankle boots yet I really recommend these. They aren't leather- but they aren't a huge investment and the style will work for all occasions. This gray brown is a really hot color right now, but I love them all. I'm still deciding if I can justify the red ones too, aren't they amazing?


  1. Great outfit. The red boots would make it really edgy. You definitely NEED them ;-) x

  2. Love that top! And it's perfect paired with the skirt. Such a cute outfit! Stopping by from the pleated poppy linkup!

    Stilettos & Sequins

  3. That is a really pretty and fun shirt! I love wearing a bunch of colors at once, so it's definitely fitting with my style!

    The Random Writings of Rachel

  4. Your top is super pretty. :) Love the colors and pattern. And your hair is just amazing. I love it! You are so gorgeous!

  5. Love the outfit! and your hair! Adorable!

  6. Your top is such a fun print!! and i love your skirt and booties together!! too perfect.


  7. I love tribal printed anything! So awesome!
    Boho Bunnie

  8. Tribal is crazy "on trend" right now and I love how you styled it!


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