What Kids Wore Wednesday- Customer Photos

Welcome to this week's link up! Over the Summer I wasn't (never do) feeling up to dressing my boys in more than t-shirts and athletic shorts. But, but, but, but now that it is cooling down I'm getting just as excited to dress them as myself. (Almost) Anyway I bet you feel the same and have some darn cute kiddo style to share. You'll be so glad you recorded it down the road!

This week I'm sharing some cute little ONE little BELT customer snapshots. I LOVE to see our belts and ties on your little ones. Once you have actually SEEN a baby in a belt, there is just no way to un-see it. You can't ignore those belt loops anymore. So I would love to do a feature like this once a month. If you have ANY photos you can send our way, I will be more than happy to throw them up and give you a shout out!

Baby and Toddler belts from www.onelittlebelt.com

Baby and Toddler belts from www.onelittlebelt.com
Simply Sweet (check out her headbands!)

Baby and Toddler belts from www.onelittlebelt.com

Want to link up? Here are some guidelines…

1. link to your specific blog post, not your blog’s main page.
2. please only link kids' outfit related posts. no giveaways or unrelated crafts.
3. feel free to link back here to me so that WKWW makes sense to your readers. grab a button from the sidebar (see the code box?).
4. check out as many links as possible! and comment! we all LOVE a comment!


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