What Kids Wore Wednesday Link Up

Welcome to this week's link up! Over the Summer I wasn't feeling up to dressing my boys up more than on Sundays, but now that it is cooling down I'm getting just as excited to dress them as myself. (Almost) Anyway I bet you feel the same and have some darn cute kiddo style to share. You'll be so glad you recorded it down the road!

What did my kids wear? 
I had to share this darling onesie that Knox has been wearing. It is from another Etsy shop, Earth Cadets, and I love her style!

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I'm not a huge fan of the bright skinny jeans and gender neutral clothing trends for boys right now, but I did put Easton in his first pair of skinny jeans recently and I LOVE how they fit him. He is so slim that I really do think they are a flattering cut on him.

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This week's feature is from Twin Dragonfly Designs. I love her scarf tutorial for boys. My guys won't wear them, but I put Knox in them when I can. Thanks for linking up!

Want to link up? Here are some guidelines…

1. link to your specific blog post, not your blog’s main page.

2. please only link kids' outfit related posts. no giveaways or unrelated crafts.
3. feel free to link back here to me so that WKWW makes sense to your readers. grab a button from the sidebar (see the code box?).
4. check out as many links as possible! and comment! we all LOVE a comment!


  1. Thanks for the feature and linky Kilee! xo

  2. I just have to say, I AGREE with the gender neutral clothing trend dislike! Sometimes I honestly cannot tell if it is a boy or girl, and I while I love skinny jeans on boys, the bright colors and neon accents are just taking things too far. I love your style. :)


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