What Kids Wore Wednesday

Welcome to this week's link up! We are looking forward to the holiday this week and getting together with my family. Do you dress up for Thanksgiving dinner? We don't have a dress code, but I love to dress the boys up a little so I'll share what they wore next week. I can't wait to see what you link up today! 

What did my kids wear? It is sweater weather over here. I don't have time or energy to take glamorous pics of my kids each week, but I do like to snap a pic here or there. This one was before school the other day. I love that Easton wakes up every school day excited and ready to go. I know he won't always feel that way about school so I am cherishing it now. He is such a bright boy and I love to hear his questions and see him learn!

Shirt: Old Navy
Pants: Old Navy
Shoes: Target

This weeks feature is from Tracy at It's Mostly About Fashion. Her daughter Laila proves she is a little fashionista in her chambray and striped leggings. I love her look and frankly wish I had a pair of those leggings myself. Thanks for linking up!

Want to link up? Here are some guidelines…

1. link to your specific blog post, not your blog’s main page.
2. please only link kids' outfit related posts. no giveaways or unrelated crafts.

3. feel free to link back here to me so that WKWW makes sense to your readers. grab a button from the sidebar (see the code box?).

4. check out as many links as possible! and comment! we all LOVE a comment!


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