What I Wore- Red and Blue for Christmas

Pair a fur scarf with a bright printed blouse, pencil skirt and boots

Pair a fur scarf with a bright printed blouse, pencil skirt and boots

Pair a fur scarf with a bright printed blouse, pencil skirt and boots

Pair a fur scarf with a bright printed blouse, pencil skirt and boots
Shirt: Target
Scarf: Thrifted
Skirt: Kohls
Boots: Frye
Earrings: ONE little MOMMA

Merry Christmas Eve! What a great day! If you are like me, today will be full of baking, last minute present wrapping, house cleaning and listening to Christmas carols. We will be heading to my parent's home tonight for Christmas Eve dinner, a little program and games. My assignments: sweet potatoes, relish plate, and pumpkin pie. Having spent Christmas away from family before, I am so grateful that my family gets to spend the holiday with my parents and my brothers. We will spend Christmas morning at our house and do out own gift opening as just our little family. I can't wait!

What are your Christmas Eve plans? Do you have any favorite traditions?

Linking up with Lindsey for What I Wore Wednesday.


  1. Merry Christmas! That blouse is so striking and beautiful :)

  2. Looking good lady! You are the cutest and I love that shirt! -Devin

  3. You look so pretty! How do you like the fur scarf? It looks great on you. I'm older than you and wondered how it would look on someone my age (51).


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