What Kids Wore Wednesday

Welcome to this week's link up! How are your Christmas preparations coming? I am ALMOST there. One tradition that my mom always did was to sew us new pajamas to open on Christmas Eve. We have adopted that tradition in our family too- only I'm not sewing this time. Do do this tradition too? I am trying to get my boys all matching pjs and it is proving a little difficult to cover sizes 12 mo-4t! So wish me luck snagging those last items. I'm thinking I'll share the boys dressed up in them next week! Care to join me?

You may have noticed that there wasn't a link party last week- things have been busy! As of now I am considering not continuing with the link party next year. It has been really fun, but I'm ready to put my blogging time towards other posts (maybe). Any complaints? Agreements? Let me know your thoughts- I really appreciate you die-hards and your darling kiddos!

What did my kids wear?

I love having a baby to dress right now! He stays relatively clean and has no opinions! He is so fun to coordinate with and I take advantage of it at least on Sundays. What a little angel baby he is! That smile is basically plastered to his face NON STOP. He laughs all day long! I can't imagine a more wonderful little miracle in our lives. 

Me: Shirt- Old Navy
Vest- Brickyard Buffalo
Skirt: Thrifted
Shoes: Old Navy

Knox: Shirt and Pants: GAP
Belt: ONE little BELT
Bow Tie: ONE little BELT
Shoes: Freshly Picked

Want to link up? Here are some guidelines…

1. link to your specific blog post, not your blog’s main page.
2. please only link kids' outfit related posts. no giveaways or unrelated crafts.
3. feel free to link back here to me so that WKWW makes sense to your readers. grab a button from the sidebar (see the code box?).
4. check out as many links as possible! and comment! we all LOVE a comment!


  1. You look great and that little man in the bow-tie! Gorgeous!!

  2. My daughter has that vest, this is a great outfit I will have to remember for her

  3. Your make-up looks really nice in these photos. I love your shoes too. I tried looking for them online at Old Navy, but I couldn't find them.

  4. You both look fabulous! I love your skirt!


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