What I Wore - Leopard Scarf and Basic Black

leopard scarf, black sweater, strappy flats

leopard scarf, black sweater, strappy flats

leopard scarf, black sweater, strappy flats

leopard scarf, black sweater, strappy flats

leopard scarf, black sweater, strappy flats
Shirt: Target
Scarf: Amazon
Pants: TJ Maxx (Lucky Brand)

I'm turning 28 this year, and for the first time in my life, I feel like I understand what it means to become a grown up. Aside from the haze of motherhood brain and the early stages of wrinkles, I feel like I'm a getting a little wiser, too.

When I was younger, I just wished for the day to arrive when I would suddenly be a really good person or have a lot of great friends or be more outgoing and brave. I was always so down on myself about where I was in life and about my imperfections. My one little word this year is 'content,' and only one month into the year, I am amazed to see how perfect it is for me. Already I'm learning that being content with slow and small progress is the way to make big changes happen.

I'm accepting that during this time in my life, I can just focus on getting things in order at the right pace. I don't need to rush or panic or be something that I'm not. I am where I am, and I am who I am. I love the peace that comes from realizing that God is patient with me and that small changes that are repeated every day make a difference. I've talked plenty about my weakness for comparing myself to others, but I've recently realized that I also compare my current self to the person I expected to be at this point in life. Thinking I should be to a certain place in my life by now is such a negative and made-up thing. How can I be happy or content if I'm constantly comparing my real self to a made-up self?

My life is definitely not what I thought it would be and neither am I. But honestly, I'm so glad for it! How amazing is it that I am the lucky mom to three fantastic little boys? That I have a husband who loves me and who can work not only his day job, but the second one I created for him at nights? I never expected to have made a "career" for myself that includes writing and sharing my passions with an audience who cares. I could never have planned such wonderful things - I am so glad I'm not in charge! Focusing on those things is what makes me happy and gives me the courage to try a little more each day. Who knows where it will take me?


  1. I feel like I've calmed down with the "rushing" as well. It's nice having a little bit more wisdom, isn't it?!

    PS>...these shoes!!!!! Please tell me you got them recently!

  2. You're doing pretty well. I'll be 30 this year and I'm still working on the whole 'grown-up' thing. You should be proud of all you have accomplished. :) BTW I love the scarf. I have a soft spot for animal prints but I rarelt wear them.

  3. I appreciate that you don't over-do it on the pictures. 3 to 4 pictures of an outfit, and not all of just another cutesy pose, but highlighting interesting aspects of the outfit seem to be just enough. Otherwise i feel like i hsve to scroll forever. I also love how honest you are. It gives me strength to see someone who is real and doesn't have a perfect life!

  4. I feel you here! Looking back at my life just six years ago - this is not where I thought I would be, but this it exactly where I want to be. Loving this outfit - I'm kind of obsessed with those flats.

  5. Three boys! That is quite an accomplishment in itself!!

  6. adorable flats!


  7. Oh man, I can totally relate. My life is definitely not what I "planned" but I am so glad that it is not in my hands at all! I am so thankful that I am not God :)

    Love those gorgeous flats to much!

  8. You have beautiful hair. I'm 41 and still working on "slowing down" and "wising up" lol.

  9. What a beautiful post. I can't help but feel connected to what you just said (maybe not in every way because your story is a little different than mine). BUT I can just feel your happiness and peace that I feel the Lord is brewing in me in similar ways. I've been feeling a new sense of freedom since realizing the traps of comparison and taking action to drop it. Anyways, I just found your blog through WIW, and thought your outfit was gorgeous. Definitely my style. Hope I can read some more of your blog in the future :).

  10. Any chance you could look in your order history for the shop you bought the scarf from? I love it and can't find it, thank you!


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