What I Wore - Color Pop with Teal and Red

Pops of teal and red with black and white

Pops of teal and red with black and white

Pops of teal and red with black and white

Pops of teal and red with black and white

Pops of teal and red with black and white

When I was younger, I loved writing. I wrote and illustrated stories. I spent time writing poetry, writing in my journal, and penning dramatic notes to friends. As I get older, I find that writing serves a different purpose for me. Writing about something is often how I discover what I think or how I really feel about something. Often when my husband and I disagree, I feel like (and sometimes I do!) I just need to stop the discussion and then write him an email about it later once I have collected my arguments or apologies. I'm so much better with my words on paper! That is one reason that I love blogging. I have gained so much from blogging about my phobias or my insecurities. First, it helps when I get feedback and comments that I am not alone in my challenges, but also writing about them makes them so much less scary to me.

After declaring my fashion phobias last week, I've decided to start getting over them. I'm feeling brave and the first one to go is my fear of dark/bright lipstick. This was a timely decision because my Valentine's Day gift from Soren arrived in the mail this week and it happened to be the BRIGHTEST red lipstick I have ever seen. He ordered it because I had left it in my Amazon shopping cart after seeing that Cara Loren had worn it in a recent post. He truly surprised me by ordering it and it surprised us both by how really bright it was. But I've decided to embrace it. I love the color so I'm sure I can pull it off - in the right setting at least!

I paired this pop of a red lip with these red t-strap flats I thrifted this weekend. They are my favorite kind of cool flat for every day. Another everyday fav right now is this drapey lightweight cardigan from Dana Leigh Apparel. I love the color and the style, but the comfort level is just right for this SAHM. Use code OLM20 to get 20% off of your Dana Leigh Apparel order.

Have you decided to work on any phobias lately? Are you better in person or on paper?

Cardigan: c.o Dana Leigh Apparel
Shirt: Old Navy
Pants: TJ Maxx
Shoes: Thrifted (DC Brand)
Earrings: ONE little MOMMA
Lipstick: NYX Indie Flick


  1. I'm in love with those shoes (love their vintage vibe) and the sweater looks so comfortable! I love this whole outfit!

    xo Always, Abby

  2. I'm not as good on paper as in person....haha! I wanna get better but the words just don't seem to flow ;). I'm going to work on my bright lipstick phobia too! Yours looks great on you and goes great with the outfit :)

  3. I know *exactly* what you mean about being able to communicate better through writing. I literally can't say what I want or need to say verbally when I'm discussing bigger issues with my SO. Usually I have to write him an email or text him. For some reason, the words I obviously have in my head just don't want to come out verbally, so they must go on "paper" of some sort. I've had friends who think this is wrong - that we should be able to communicate face to face - but I disagree. Everyone has their form of communication, and no one form is necessarily "better" than the other. The key is to communicate. :)

    Such a cute outfit! Teal and red are a wonderful combination!

  4. I LOVE that shade of lipstick on you!! What brand/shade is it?

  5. You rock that lipstick. Cardigans are one of my phobias but yours has changed my mind. I will give them a go.

  6. I saw this outfit pop up on Pinterest, and I just love love love it :)
    XO/Kelly @ Our Cone Zone

  7. Hello. I want to bring your hair cut into my stylist. I wonder if you have a photo of the back anywhere on your blog?

  8. There often comes a short time when you have to deal between overall writing and coaching. If there is a specified phrase limit, try to avoid going above it, even if it straight from the source indicates that you have to suppress some information about the topic you are writing.


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