What I Wore: Navy Stripes and Navy Camo

Navy and white striped sweater with navy camo and camel ankle boots

Navy and white striped sweater with navy camo and camel ankle boots

Navy and white striped sweater with navy camo and camel ankle boots

Navy and white striped sweater with navy camo and camel ankle boots

3 Signs I'm Ready for Spring

1. I'm feeling the itch to go spring clothes shopping. Until about a week ago, I felt like winter would never end and neither would my sweatshirt wearing, vitamin D deficient days. But then I ordered some new TOMs on Zulily and that felt like my first official spring/summer purchase. Then I picked up the Spring Issue of Instyle and suddenly felt hope for pulling out my pleated skirts and cropped tops! (Worn layered of course.)

2. Every day, I have been hacking at my hair with the scissors and have to restrain myself from pulling out the bleach. I am dying to go lighter with my hair. Something about going blonder just feels fresh and new and exciting! I won't go crazy (maybe), but I do want to lighten my locks in the near future.

3. I've stopped wearing a coat. Everywhere I go I think, "It's a little warmer today; I don't need a jacket." And then I get outside and I'm wishing I had not only worn a coat, but gloves and a hat too. Its a bad trick that I play on myself daily.

Have you been playing tricks on yourself too? How do you know you are ready for spring?

Sweater: Forever 21
Pants: GAP
Shoes: Target
Watch and Earrings: ONE little MOMMA


  1. I live in east texas. Ice two weeks ago 70-80 last week and now 40 and rain
    Yesterday and today! Ugh bring on spring

  2. I do the same coat trick with myself too! But I know I'm ready for spring when I'm ready for full highlights, a pedicure, and tank tops! I call myself a Sun Baby!

  3. Your hair! You make me want to chop mine all off! I love the pants and the shoes and the top, I just don't think I could pull them all off together. You look adorable though!


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