Learning To Be Content + New Product

I am learning a lot lately about why my one little word for the year is 'content'. Contentment is kind of like patience in that you have to go through experiences that make you feel very discontent in order to learn to apply it. This year, my dreams for my business are growing at a far faster rate than I can implement. My designs and my plans are building and building but my hours to attend to them are not! Every day I chip away at them, but some days it just feels like such SLOW progress! Thank you for your patience and support of our earrings, of our cuffs, and of our belts. I have SO much more I want to offer, but I'm just not able to yet. I start feeling really anxious whenever I start thinking too much, but I am really seeing that this is a time to learn to be content. I need to try to be content in what I can do and what I am doing, while also being content with God's timing. I'm really trying to have faith that my ideas and hopes will be carried out when it is the right time as long as I keep working and doing my best. 

Of course I can't get too down about our progress because I have a few new products that are in the shop this week - one of which has been a LONG time coming! I have been wanting to sell girl's braided leather belts for years and my genius husband has finally been able to work on them. We don't have all of the sizes available yet, but we do have 6-12 months in Brown and London Tan in stock. This is officially my favorite leather belt we sell! I would love to see this beauty around a chambray shirt-dress and leggings or through the loops of some baby denim. If the braided isn't your style, we also have the simple girl's leather belt below available in all brown and black colors as well. 

This year we are discontinuing all of our vegan leather girl's belts, but as I have been going through inventory, I did find these vegan leather tan scalloped girl's belts that were never listed. They are the perfect faux leather brown belt for all ages - baby to toddler. They will be available until they are sold out. I love the scalloped edge!

If you follow on Instagram or Facebook you saw the surprise spring sale this weekend. To celebrate the new belts in the shop today, I've extended the 20% off discount through the end of the day today! Get 20% off of your purchase* with the code SPRINGSURPRISE.

*Excludes growth charts

Thanks so much for your patience and support. Tomorrow I've got my first video tutorial to share so be sure to come check out my amazing movie making skills! (Or not-skills.)

Have an awesome Monday!


  1. Oh goodness do I know how you feel!! It seems like I can't keep up with my ideas and dreams and all that I really want to get done and when I start thinking about all that I feel like needs to be done or that I want done I start getting myself all worked up and stressed out. It's an awful feeling but I need to learn from you and focus on being content. Things are good and I can't push myself faster than I can keep up with. Right? hehe

  2. Ok when I saw the thumbnail of the braided belt I gasped out loud and clicked straight through to your blog because I THOUGHT THEY WERE BRACELETS! I've been dyyyyyying to get my hands on a leather bracelet that looks exactly like these belts - I've never seen something that so perfectly meets the vision I have in my head for a leather bracelet. Is there any way I can entice you into making one special for me? Or better yet - would you ever think about making a line of bracelets modeled after these? :D

    aka Bailey


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