What I Wore - Graphic Tee, Leopard, and Not-Mom-Shoes

White graphic tee, leopard scarf, dark denim and wedge sandals

White graphic tee, leopard scarf, dark denim and wedge sandals

White graphic tee, leopard scarf, dark denim and wedge sandals

White graphic tee, leopard scarf, dark denim and wedge sandals

Okay first things first, I know these shoes are so not mom-friendly. I'm sorry to have deviated from my normal momma friendly ways, but SOMETIMES I do love to wear ridiculously tall and pretty shoes. These sandals I actually thrifted last fall and I didn't realize how tall or uncomfortable they were until I pulled them out this month. I love, love, love the high wedge, but I don't last long in them. This outfit would work great with a much less angled wedge sandal - or even a flat - so don't be afraid to modify it to make it work for you.

I have to say that as I was looking for similar graphic tee options out there to link up for you - and I was more than a little shocked at how negative, lazy, and dumb so many of them were! I typically make my own graphic tees so I haven't really browsed what is out there. Why do girls or women want to walk around with tees that say such degrading or foolish things on them? I mean, I realize that my tee isn't exactly a confidence booster or even casting me in a positive light, but it's honest. Its clever-ish and I identify with it. But these tees?

I just don't agree with them. Some of them are worse than others, but I'd rather see clever positive graphic tees that celebrates good things about women or even just life, not the negatives. Not the classic put downs or the concepts that make girls appear flighty or dumb or even rebellious. I really love graphic tees and I'm not saying all of the funny or silly ones are bad, but I do wish there were more positive and empowered options out there. You can find a tutorial to make the one I'm wearing today here.

Thoughts? Have you seen any particularly bad graphic tees? Any really great ones?

PS - I didn't forget! Our winner from last week's survey giveaway is merrimanalysia. If that is the start of your email - check your inbox! Thanks so much for all of your participation!

Outfit details:
Shirt- DIY here
Scarf- Amazon
Jeans- Lucky Denim
Shoes- Thrifted (DV for Target)

I've linked up a few similar leopard scarves and reasonable graphic tees below.


  1. I absolutely love graphic tees and probably wear more than I should but I completely agree with you. There are some really bad tees out there that shouldn't be worn. I am a fan of pretty much all J. Crew graphic tees especially now because they have a french theme going on. Also, love your graphic tees you make!

  2. completely agree with you. and i love your tee. how do you make them? paint or other?

  3. love this chill outfit! and ps: i'm glad you posted about your Easter weekend, because those pics were adorable!...along with your dress (you freaking made that?!) and cute kiddos!

  4. Love the leopard!
    I have found some great ones (mostly for kids) through Instagram lately.
    Printed Palette
    Brickyard Buffalo

  5. I agree - I love graphic tees but most of mine are vintage because I can't find any current ones that speak to me.

    aka Bailey


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