Sunday Style - The Boyfriend Maxi

Black boyfriend maxi, striped scarf, brown sandals

Black boyfriend maxi, striped scarf, brown sandals

Black boyfriend maxi, striped scarf, brown sandals

Black boyfriend maxi, striped scarf, brown sandals

I've been finding myself a little anxious lately. Surprise, surprise - as you know, we have a lot of things going on. I'm juggling a lot right now between filling orders and blogging to working to launch our new brand. Then there are church activities, the end of the school year events, and our summer plans. Add to that being in charge of planning my high school class's ten-year high school reunion for this fall, and I'm ready to be committed. Okay not quite, but still.

So I'm betting you can relate - I'm busy. Aren't we all? Well, I think there is a healthy level of busy and working hard and then there is a dangerous level. Based on my emotions this last month, I'm feeling a little closer to danger than I'd like. Part of me loves working really hard in any spare second I have, but what I don't like is that my selfish side has come out in full force as a result. I think I'm still hanging on to my house and mom duties all right, and my kids are doing well, but, I've not been looking for any extra opportunities to help anyone else. I'm a little consumed with my stuff. If I talk with a friend, I can barely keep myself from just spilling my guts about how stressed I am and what I have going on. I rarely have the thought to ask them how they are doing or offer to help. Yikes.

I definitely believe that the more we think about others and work to help them or care about them, the smaller our problems seem and the happier we are. Serving and loving other people is central to my faith. What I need to do is start acting like it. I want to start looking for and taking opportunities to serve my family, my friends, and God. I know I'll feel more at peace and healthier in my own life as I try to look outside myself more often.

Do you ever struggle with this? How do you take time to serve more?

// Outfit Details //
Dress: c/o Wild Souls
Scarf: Made by me
Shoes: Thrifted
Jewelry: ONE little MOMMA


  1. I am struggling with this right now! I have a 7 week old baby (my first) and it is all consuming! I have such good people around me and sometimes I worry that they will eventually get sick of me because I am so focused on what I have going on right now. It's so hard and I find myself apologizing ALOT!

  2. I think we all go through seasons in life...some seasons are those where you are taking more than giving, and some you are the giver and need to take very little. It's okay to give yourself the grace to allow for self care, and to ask for help, and to be consumed with what you have going on. There is a difference between selfishness and self care. I just read an amazing book recently that helped me a TON with this issue, of serving, and how much, and what brings me life, and how much should I do for others (I used to be a woman who never said no to anyone!). It's called "Emotional Healthy Woman" and it puts into perspective these issues and is written by a pastor's wife. Super insightful and it will cause you to take inventory of your life, commitments, and where you spend your energy.

  3. Maybe it's transitioning from dreary winter to awesome summer...but I've been feeling pretty overwhelmed myself! Take care of your hubby, your babies, and yourself, and I'm sure everything else will fall into place. Happy summer 2014!

  4. I realize on the exterior this might appear to a a blog about fashion and brand advertising but at the heart and soul (all that matters) it's about faith, family and community. Please don't overlook what you're doing to serve your readers when you blog about hard things. People like me are so tired of perfection being hurled at us. I can click one of your posts with a perfect image (you're always beautifully dressed and artfully posed) and read the "real". I have 3 little kids. I love your authenticity. This is not a case of "struggle loves company" (misery just doesn't apply here, hopefully I'm making sense), this is a case of "struggle appreciates not being made to feel she's some kind of failure when feeling absolutely normal things like anxiety or overwhelm every now and then". Don't discount your writing. It's serving others. Thank you.

  5. Carrie ^^^ said beautifully what I was thinking as well. Your "keeping it real" posts are some of my favorites. The realness calms me down just a little and reminds me life isn't about doing everything right, but it's about doing everything in love. (I'm a SAHM to 3 littles, ages 4, 2, and 1)


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