The Meeting That Scared Me to Death + $100 Chicwish Giveaway

Loose, boho blouse and black fringe bag

Loose, boho blouse and black fringe bag

Loose, boho blouse, boot cut denim, and black fringe bag

Loose, boho blouse, boot cut denim, and black fringe bag

Loose, boho blouse, boot cut denim, and black fringe bag

Last week I was invited to dinner downtown by a girl friend for a potential business collaboration. I had the chance to dress up a little, eat sushi, be kid-free, and meet and talk with other like-minded women. Sounds dreamy, right? Well, not if you are an introvert like me. For a week I was seriously dreading the whole affair. Nothing hits my nerves like meeting new people, on my own, in a setting that I rarely enter. I love to get out with girl friends, but I have a small group of women that I'm comfortable going out with, and we never venture so far as a hot restaurant downtown. In fact, I had the chance that night to just go get frozen yogurt with a few blogging friends in town, but when I asked my husband which invite I should take, he told me there was no question. I definitely needed to go to the meeting that scared me to death.

The whole day I was just overwhelmed with anxiety about it all. Of course I stressed about what to wear, too. I really wanted to wear something white, like this blouse, because I can never keep white clean when I'm around my kids. After changing several times, I finally ended up in white denim and a chambray top, which worked, but I was 20 minutes late to dinner (not a stress reliever - let me tell you!). I even forgot business cards, but I did remember to pack a few earrings to share so that I could talk about our business.

I'd love to say that once I got there-,everything was fine - and it kind of was. But emotionally, it was a really draining evening. I showed up and was able to meet the other three women I didn't know, and of course, they were the nicest. They were so genuine and interested in what I had to share that they even bought earrings from me on the spot. I felt so lame for being so worried about it all! But despite feeling like diving into a hole, I was an open book. I ended up expressing how stressed I was to come and meet up and collaborate. I felt about 10 years old, but I was authentic about how hard it was for me to show up and they liked me all the more for it. I am reading Brene Brown's book called Daring Greatly, and it is all about being courageous and authentic. I can look back on the evening and say I was both of those things, but holy cow was it uncomfortable. I drove home feeling so many emotions - from overwhelmed and exposed to excited and proud of myself. Overall I know there is growth that will come out of pushing myself past my limits, and I plan to keep pushing them. But that doesn't mean I'll enjoy it in the moment!

Do you stress about meeting new people? How would you handle something like this?

Well, enough heavy stuff - onto the outfit! This beautiul boho blouse is from a new-to-me online company called Chicwish. I was immediately drawn to their indie and bohemian style. This fringe bag has been my purse of choice lately, and I've received compliments every time I've used it. Today on the blog, they are giving away a $100 gift card to shop their site! PLUS all new customers get 30% off their first order just by registering and liking them on FB (see giveaway entries below). Boho is super hot this summer, so I'm sure you'll find something you love at Chicwish.

// Outfit Details //
Shirt - c/o Chicwish
Pants - GAP
Shoes - Thrifted (American Eagle)
Bag - c/o Chicwish
Bracelet - c/o Chicwish
Earrings - Nickel & Suede

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The winner of last week's giveaway can be found here.


  1. Thanks Kilee! I've never heard of chic wish but know I will be visiting their site often! I just got a job as a pt barista at Starbucks (yay me!) but I've been self employed for so long that I am having trouble coming up with cute ways to style the requires black pants, white/black collared

    1. ^^ collared shirt and brown or black flat boots or non skid shoes.. No accessories, hair pulled back - neutral hair accessories.

  2. (Sorry my phone won't allow me to make changes or continuing typing if I stop??) anyway- any ideas how to chic up the uniform and sill keep some of my style?? Today's my first day and I'm wearing black cropped skinnies with black leather chucks and a white button up.

  3. I love to hear success stories from other introverts. It is so much easier for me to write out my thoughts than to actually express them in words (especially to strangers). I also tend to have people in my life that make being an introvert easier, like my husband and my friends; however, there are always times when they aren't around. It produces lots of anxiety for me too, but I know that if I will step out in faith God will get me through it. It was good to hear that others have the some of the same feelings. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hi there! I'm new to your blog and just wanted to tell you I love it! I'm a hairdresser and I think I saw a pin from one of your hair tutorials and thought your hair was so cute and fun!

    Its refreshing to read your honesty in this post. I am a textbook introvert myself and completely relate. I'm reading a book right now called Quiet, you might have heard of it, but it gives such a fascinating insight into learning more about introverts and extroverts and how they function.

    Nice to meet ya in blog land! :)

  5. I would love to see more date night looks. I'm a SAHM and have a lot of casual clothes and would live some ideas for how to take a casual look and dress it up

  6. I would love to see more business casual outfits for work. Thanks!

  7. Love your blog! You are so honest about life! And thanks for the great giveaway!!

  8. Thanks for that post! I love the purse!! I'm an introvert myself, so I could totally relate to your feelings about meeting those women. Whenever I have to go through situations like that it helps me to picture the worst case scenario. What is the worst thing that could happen to me? And then when I know what would be the worst I picture myself in that situation and tell myself "So what?" Will it kill me? Probably not. Will it be so embarrassing that I'll have to dye my hair get a fake passport and leave the country? Also, probably not (even though it might feel that way in the very moment). I concentrate on how I could handle my worst case scenario in an elegant or even feisty way. I also like reading about how verbal and nonverbal interactions work. It helped soooo much in the past to feel more in control of the situation.
    Thanks for sharing your experience. It really helps whenever you know that your not the only one with that "problem" ;)

  9. I love boho style! This purse is amazing! I would love to see how you style boho dresses!

  10. I'm sure the other ladies admired your honesty. I would have stressed more about dripping soy sauce on my white shirt LOL ;) That black bag is super cute!
    I want to see other options on what to wear over maxi dresses please - I get tired of wearing my jean jacket with everything

  11. Hi Kilee - I'm a recovering introvert, and I can say that meeting new people does get easier the more you do it, but if you are like me, you probably never will stop feeling drained afterward. After a hectic, people-oriented day at work, all I want to do is drive home sans phone, eat dinner with family, and do some quiet activities before bed.

  12. I want to see more outfits for summer and I need help styling 2 different patterns together. I know it can be done because I have seen a few bloggers style two completely different patterns and they end up looking so stylish and chic. I feel like when I do it I look weird and I don't feel confident about my outfit. Lol

  13. Kilee

    I neef to excange a leather cuff and cannot get thru to the email on the site. Please email me! !!!

  14. I'm always that way!!!! No matter how much I try and "talk" sense into myself..... 😜
    Love reading your blog!!!

  15. I still feel like I need help styling everything!!!! I absolutely love your wardrobe series. I am starting completely from scratch. Almost all of my clothes are seven or eight or more years old. Mostly band t shirts and old jeans and flip flops! I need all the help I can get. Thank you so much for sharing your life with all of us. I am going to read te book you mentioned. So far I have bought the juicy papaya lip butter, one pair of skinny jeans, a pair of nude flats, and one of your leather cuffs. :)

  16. Great post and awesome giveaway. Thank you!

  17. Super cute outfit!!! and Yay for Bravery :)

  18. I would love to see more bohemian outfits! Love that look!

  19. I loathe going to blogger events I know I'll have a great time at, because I am so nervous!
    I always try to bring my (non-blogger) wonderfully social sister with me so I don't have to stand alone in between saying hi to people, or to give me the nerve to go up to someone.
    I'm glad you went to the dinner :)

  20. I love your super casual style. Please don't start showing work outfits! You are a SAHM like me and I love love love that you put your real outfits on your blog and don't dress for the blog. I used to follow another blogger whose style evolved to a business look and became completely unrelatable to me. That being said I LOVE your Sunday posts where you dress up a little, I do the same thing in my own life. Sunday is the one day I get to wear a dress or skirt and I go for it. Love your authenticity. Totally brings exposure but it also brings true freedom and life.

  21. So glad I found your blog. Your outfit is great, you look fantastic, Chicwish is a fun site, and I'm glad you managed to make it through the "dreaded event". I've always found that people really appreciate when we "let our hair down" and admit to some vulnerabilities. It relaxes everyone -- because let's face it: meeting new people can be intimidating. Especially if it's for a potential business connection.

    You did great, girl!

  22. Continue showing us your style. It's fabulous. Perhaps, every so often you can show us some go-to-work outfits.

  23. More boho chic styling! Love it!

  24. This is one of my favorite looks! Love all of it!!

  25. Great looks! Looking forward to seeing what they have to offer.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. phone messed up my comment too, so I had to copy and paste from my notes. Ironically, I had also pasted a list of bathing suits for my 'body type' from the website divinitasole. Anyway, here is my original comment:
    I'm the same way about meeting new people. I'm super outgoing, but on the inside I'm a mess. I am always encouraging my 6 year old daughter to be confident and to take risks, and it helps me both ways...1) to remember my own advice 2) to empathize with her when she is feeling hesitant.

    As far as outfits go, I would love to see some beach wear and bathing suits. Modest/mom bathing suits that are still cute!!!

  28. Some ideas for outfits for us the not skinny ones,please?!

  29. Hi! I would love to see more casual outfits <3

  30. I love that you show "do-able" SAHM outfits! I'd love to see more diy type outfits or maybe showing more affordable outfits ?

  31. I really like the casual outfits for us moms- I need help dressing up simple shirts & pants , when I'm going to an event or corporate dinner that is still on the casual side.

  32. I absolutely get anxious meeting new people - I probably would have dreaded the meeting all week, just like you! Sounds like you handled like a real champ though - you must be proud of yourself!!

    aka Bailey


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