Sunday Style - Stripes and a Light Sweater

Long black sweater, striped knit skirt and clogs

Short ombre hair and cut out leather earrings from Nickel & Suede

Long black sweater, striped knit skirt and clogs

Long black sweater, striped knit skirt and clogs

It's Sunday! Finally! Growing up, I always looked forward to Fridays for dates, movies with friends, and the end of the school week. I think if you work a 9-5 job, you do too. When Soren worked out of the home, I did look forward to his work week ending on Fridays. But I love the meme on Pinterest that says something like, "TGIF! Oh wait, I'm a mom." And it's true, Friday doesn't necessarily mean fun or a break anymore now that I'm a mom AND we have a home business. Kids don't give you weekends off, and we have so much to do for our business that we typically work all weekend. So it is Sundays that I really look forward to.We do our best to observe the Sabbath day, which means no work and trying to focus on serving, worshiping, and spending time with family. In college, I tried not to ever study or do homework on Sundays, and what a day of rest those Sundays were! After working all day yesterday (Saturday), it feels good to know that I can put business ideas or orders out of my mind for a day.

Fortunately (or unfortunately), we have sick kids today so I won't even be going to church. I teach the three year olds' class typically, and even though I love them, they definitely make those two hours at church the most exhausting part of my week. Today I hope to start a new book, spend time with my kids, and get organized for the week ahead. And maybe a nap would be nice too!

What day is your favorite day of the week? Why?

// Outfit Details //
Sweater - Target (last year) similar
Skirt - Groop Dealz c/o similar, similar
Shoes - Thrifted similar
Bag - Groop Dealz c/o
Earrings - Nickel and Suede


  1. Dear Kilee,

    You have beutiful green eyes.:) ( I have green eyes, you know that only 2% of the population on the earth have green eyes? :D So we are kind of ,,unique".:D)
    I love your hairstyle(again) and your outfit,but I do not like high-heeled shoes...I fall...I always ,,run" and ride a bike...I love snickers...Isn't it difficult for you to wear high heeled shoes??? :)
    My favoutite day is every day spent with my kids,laughing,when we are in good mood,when my husband comes home to visit us,when I crochet or stitch something beautiful and I am proud at myself...:D So no ordinary day...moments are my fav'



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