Throw Back Sunday Style

Tribal  blouse, blue pencil skirt, ankle boots from ONE little MOMMA
 Shirt - Thrifted, Skirt - Thrifted, Boots - Old Navy, Jewelry - F21

Denim shirt, black pencil skirt, wedge ankle boots
Shirt - GAP, Skirt - GAP, Shoes - Target, Necklace - DIY 

Rust colored sweater, pleated plaid skirt, ankle boots
Sweater - Old Navy, Skirt - Thrifted, Shoes - Old Navy, Cuff - Handmade
I was home with sick kids last week and didn't get dressed for church - and if you know me, you know I didn't get dressed in a skirt the rest of the week either! Thankfully, we are all better this week and will be marching off to church in a couple of hours. I thought for Sunday Style this week I would share a few of my favorite outfits from last year around this time. I love these pre-fall and fall looks and I think they are just as relevant this year as last!

It's funny to look back at old outfit photos from my blog because a lot changes in a year. While my style hasn't changed too much, my photo editing or how I pose for photos has. It's easy to feel embarrassed when I look back at my younger self sometimes, but I do love seeing how much I have improved and learned! I used to journal all the time and I think that is such a great way to record how far you have come. I love even just keeping a gratitude journal and going back and reading what I was grateful for in the past. While I don't think time is permitting for me to go into full scale journaling, I do think I want to start that gratitude journal back up again. I really liked when I used it to write down one thing I was thankful for for each person in my family. It then became almost a mini journal and I did feel a lot more love for each of them. In fact - now I have convinced myself! I'm doing it. 

Do you journal? How do you find it works best for you?


  1. Beautiful! I love the Sunday outfit with the tribal print shirt, bright colors, red nails. Love, love, love.

  2. The first outfit is killer. And I so love that many of the items are thrift! I just started following you and I look forward to the post every day!!


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