Back To School Recap - Kid Style with Ralph Lauren

We have officially been back to school for about a month now and one month in kindergarten is a good milestone to hit. Things are getting to be routine and everyone is adjusting to our new normal. Easton is generally pretty happy to get up every day at 7:15 and get ready for school. (I just wish I didn't have to get him up quite that early!) He has made a few new friends including his super sweet bus driver. I'm grateful that he has really kind adults transporting him to school, and I love all the staff at his elementary school as well. Even just a month into school, I'm already seeing Easton's reading abilities improving and his favorite subject, by far, is math. So far elementary school is treating us pretty well!

Back to school style with Ralph Lauren

Back to school style with Ralph Lauren
Jacket - Ralph Lauren c/o, Shirt - Thrifted, Pants - Ralph Lauren c/o, Shoes - GAP

We started a co-op preschool for Kesler a few weeks ago and I'm so, so thankful that I decided to do it. I did a co-op preschool (where the moms each take turns teaching) for two years with Easton and last year about did me in. I thought there was no way I could fit it on my plate this year, but we are managing. It has been such a blessing because with as much as I work from home now, he needs something that is his to go and do. He really enjoys making new friends of his own and comes home having had the time of his life.

Back to school style with Ralph Lauren

Back to school style with Ralph Lauren
Coat - Ralph Lauren c/o, Shirt - Target, Pants - Ralph Lauren c/o, Shoes - GAP

As for Knox, he is adjusting to back to school too. He is such a happy guy in general, but it has been fun to start to see his and Kesler's relationship start to grow. I will often have to assign Kesler the job of playing with Knox (including a reward of some kind), but it's been paying off. It isn't a lot yet, but they are playing better already. Knox has a special bond to Kesler that is so sweet to see. He gets the most worried when Kesler gets into trouble or is upset. I think this will be the year that they really become friends. 

Back to school style with Ralph Lauren
Top - Zara Kids (similar), Vest - Ralph Lauren c/o, Pants - Target, Shoes - Stride Rite

How has the start of school been for your family? Do you find that it affects everyone in the family too?


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