How Blog Photos Happen at ONE little MOMMA

CARIBOU RIVER CARDIGAN from White Plum, gray tee and wedge boots

Aztec cardigan, gray tee, dark denim

Aztec cardigan, gray tee and dark denim

Aztec cardigan, gray tee and dark denim

Last week I posted about the gap that can exist between real life and what is on the internet. I'm glad it resonated with so many of you because I know I'm not the first to write about the subject. I wish that more of the bloggers that I follow would offer a little more transparency about their lives. And if I want them to, I figure I should start.

As a blogger, I have found there is a certain level of "perfect" that makes a style blog successful, no matter how relateable you try to be. And your blog photography is really the biggest part of that - so today I thought I'd share how these blog photos happen. When I started my blog, I had no idea how style bloggers got so many outfit photos and how they looked so professional. So I'll share what happens at my house.

When I first started my blog 2.5 years ago, Easton took all of my photos. Every day when I got dressed, I would have him snap photos of me in whatever shade we could find, and out of the 200 I would make him take, something would work. He was such a trouper, and it was so not ideal. I tried to blog in somewhat real time, so I figured the outfits had to be in real time too. About a year ago, I started having Soren take them. He would snap them if he got home from work in time or if it was the weekend.

But at some point, after consulting another blogger, I realized that we could take photos in batches. For about the last year, almost every Sunday night, you can find Soren and me in the street outside our house, taking outfit photos. (Sundays are the days when I already have my hair and make up done nice for church and we are almost guaranteed to be home.)  And it's quite a scene. Soren is usually in his backwards baseball cap, slippers, and a tee shirt. I'm dressed up to some degree and we are trying to beat the neighbors and get our photos before they bring out their trashcans for trash day on Monday and line our backdrop with trashcans. After we take photos of one outfit, I run inside to change, which usually involves throwing clothing and shoes all over my room, re-applying lipstick, or pinning my hair differently, and then it's back out to the street to try and beat the sunset. We usually get about three outfits done, depending on how much Soren is complaining (he gets embarrassed when neighbors walk or drive by) and how much trouble the kids are causing. Knox (our one-year-old) might be toddling around outside in only a diaper or pulling apart the house inside with his brothers. Someone usually ends up crying, and no one thanks me for the experience I just put them all through. But it's always worth it. I get my blog material - although sometimes the photos turn out better than others - and we don't have to take photos for another week.

As much fun as all that is, I am working on taking more blog photos with a photographer - I'm sure you can imagine why! I'm sure Soren will always be employed taking blog photos for me in one way or another, and I'm so grateful he does it. He really has tried to improve his camera skills and does a great job supporting me in that way.

And today's outfit? I'm loving this Aztec cardigan from White Plum. I showed it to Soren when it arrived, and he said he was sure that I already have one just like it. If by "just like it," he means four other Aztec print cardigans, he would be right, but I don't have one in these colors! I love, love, love the brown, navy, and burgundy colors and have worn it non-stop for the last week. If you want to snag one or anything else from White Plum this week, use code KILEE20 to get 20% off of your order. (Code runs thru 10/29.)

I hope that demystifies things in a good way for you. For me, blogging is such a fine line between being inspiring in a "How does she do it?!" way and in an "I'm not alone" way. Hopefully most posts do a little of both!

// Outfit Details //
Cardigan - White Plum c/o
Tee - Nu-Mod
Pants - Lucky Brand
Boots - Frye
Earrings - Nickel & Suede


  1. HA! Thank you for being so transparent with this. It really is a whole new perspective that is much needed and much appreciated.


  2. That's awesome! I do the same thing! I can take a week of outfit pictures in one shoot! So glad I'm not the only one who does this. It takes me like the rest of the week cleaning up the hurricane of clothes, shoes and make up that I had launched around the room, closet and bathroom to prepare for the next "express shoot". Have a great weekend!

  3. What an awesome hubby you have. I love your outfit posts, and this is so cool to actually hear how it is done. Good luck this Sunday getting the pictures before the trash cans go out!

  4. Love the peek behind the scenes!
    I could never be a fashion blogger, no one would want to see my jeans+t-shirt+cardigan formula on repeat haha!

  5. I would have never guessed the work that goes in to this! You do a great job and I love your style...what an inspiration. :) The earrings....LOVE..are they copper?? :)

  6. I take photos with a clicker on Saturday mornings. It really works best to do them all at once, then I don't have to worry about it :)

  7. Are those the rose gold earrings?

  8. i have even heard of DIYers doing that with their projects! doing a ton of DIYs and photographing them at the same time. such a great idea!

  9. This sounds exactly like my weekend routine except for us it is usually Saturday before lunch! Thanks for being real and I love this outfit. Tell Soren he does a great job!

  10. I just find this shed a little light on behind scene of a fashion blogger. Love the honesty and all the chaos (btw i would love to see the pictures). Love how you style the cardigan!

  11. I love this post! I always wonder how fashion bloggers get all those photos done!


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