Sunday Style - Leopard Pencil Skirt and Ankle Boots

Leopard pencil skirt, white tee, and strappy ankle boots

Leopard pencil skirt, white tee, and strappy ankle boots

Leopard pencil skirt, white tee, and strappy ankle boots

Leopard pencil skirt, white tee, and strappy ankle boots

Leopard pencil skirt, white tee, and strappy ankle boots

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that yesterday was a little out of our norm. I had some health problems that landed me in the ER for the morning and then laid me up on the couch for the rest of the day. It drives me crazy when people are vague about that kind of stuff, but I'm not ready to share more than that today. What I do want to mention is how grateful I am for good friends who took care of us yesterday.

I have never been someone that gets close to people. There are a lot of walls around my little heart, and although I've been working on it in the last few years, my default is to be pretty distant - even from my close friends. This last year, God has placed some amazing women in my life that have really shown me what it looks like to live life with fewer - or no - walls. They really love people and have shown so much love to me, even when I've been my normal standoffish self. I am so grateful to be learning from their example and to be on the receiving end of their friendship. Yesterday was unexpectedly hard and I was amazed, humbled actually, at how quickly women showed up at my door with hugs or treats in hand. I had text messages checking up on me all day and people to watch our kids at the drop of a hat.

I wish I could say I was that kind of friend - but I haven't been. I usually worry too much about how I'll be received than just dropping everything to love someone else. I'm so thankful that there is so much to learn from hard experiences. I'm so blessed and truly want to practice getting out of myself and loving other people better.

Do you find it hard to get over your walls to love people? Have you had success breaking down your walls?

// Outfit Details /
Shirt - Nu-Mod
Skirt - Groop Dealz (similar, similar)
Shoes - Chicwish
Cuff - Nickel and Suede (coming soon)
Jacket - Thrifted (Abercrombie)


  1. Right there with you sister. I'll pray for you! I know what a struggle it can be to let down the walls.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'll be thinking about you and hoping things get better soon.

  4. Your boots and skirt are fabulous!! Great casual chic style! Hope all is getting better for you!
    Kellie @

  5. This is yet another reason why I love this blog. I feel like I struggle with a lot of the same things you just put out there - thanks for keeping it real lady. I hope all is well.

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