What I Wore - Blanket Scarf + a Shop Update

Plaid blanket scarf, gray tee, dark denim and ankle boots

Plaid blanket scarf, gray tee, dark denim and ankle boots

Plaid blanket scarf, gray tee, dark denim and ankle boots

Plaid blanket scarf, gray tee, dark denim and ankle boots

Plaid blanket scarf, gray tee, dark denim and ankle boots

Plaid blanket scarf, gray tee, dark denim and ankle boots
Photo Credit - One Sparrow Creative

I have some exciting news to announce today! The Nickel & Suede Holiday Collection will be released on November 3. We are finalizing it right now and, holy cow, I'm still gasping at some of the pieces. I know that sounds like an exaggeration, but just wait - you'll see! Much of what is in the shop now will still be available, but several earrings and cuffs will be leaving. You can still grab them for the rest of the month, so I wanted to let you know before they are gone. The following accessories will no longer be in the shop after October 31st - Olive, Mustard, Pumpkin Suede, Cinnamon Apple Red, and Antique Brass earrings, all braided headbands, and the Cinnamon Apple Slit Cuff.

We have been blown away by the support for our small business venture over the last four months and cannot wait to see what the holiday season will bring and what God has in store for our little family. Thank you for your support, your kind notes, your emails, and your referrals. We couldn't be doing this without you!

Have a terrific Monday!

// Outfit Details //
Shirt - Target
Scarf - Groop Dealz (sold out) (similar, similar)
Pants - Lucky Brand
Shoes - Duo c/o
Earrings - Nickel & Suede
Cuff - Nickel & Suede


  1. Can't wait to see it! How exciting!

  2. I hope there's something in a scrumptious Christmassy plaid like that wrap! Love it!

  3. Congrats Kilee! I'm eager to see the new collection :)

  4. you are just doing SUCH an awesome job!! love this!


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