Sunday Style- Leopard Booties

SHIRT- Gap // SKIRT- Kohls // BOOTS- Thrifted // EARRINGS & BRACELET- Nickel & Suede

I hope you got all of your shopping in already over this crazy weekend because I'm useless to you today. Usually I try to offer a few options in stores of similar (or exact) items that I wear but it's not always easy. I thrifted these leopard ankle boots last winter and I still can't find any good options to recommend to you as substitutes. They are pretty wild, but apparently still too wild to be found in the normal mainstream shopping outlets. My tee and skirt are pretty old as well and I'm sure you have similar ones in your own closet.

I would like to be of more help pointing you in the right direction when shopping, but I often can't. And in a way that feels good. Sometimes I wish I could be more helpful with shopping, but most of what I wear is old, one of a kind, thrifted or made by me in some way. Sure I buy new clothes or am gifted new clothes, but even my hair color is DIY so it's hard to be of help in finding all of the items I wear or style. My hope is that I am helpful the inspirational kind of way. Not the spend money kind of way. 

Especially right now- as this time of year approaches- there is so much pressure to buy. I mean my husband and my job relies on people buying our accessories so I can't claim innocence. And I get mixed feelings about that. I know we sell a product that makes women happy and improves their life in a small way, but it still feels weird (and cool) to promote something that is such an awesome impulse buy. Those are the best and worst kind right? 

I love buying gifts. I love getting gifts. I love giving gifts. But I do plan to create a focus in our lives this year of giving and not buying and celebrating and not shopping. I'm thankful for those of you that choose to shop with us and any other handmade business that supports families like ours. There is value in that. But what I really value is remembering Christ's birth these new few weeks and not just on Christmas Eve. Which will take some dedicated effort....

What do you do to remember the "reason for the season"? How to do make Christmas and the holidays meaningful to you?


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