Sunday Style- Red Red

Red sweater, Nickel and Suede earrings

Red sweater, Nickel and Suede earrings

Red sweater, Nickel and Suede earrings

Red sweater, black skirt, red heels

SWEATER- Target // SKIRT- Kohls (old) // SHOES- Old Navy // CLUTCH- H&M // EARRINGS- Nickel & Suede

Well it is Christmas Sunday and this is a festive as I'm going to get. My kids are all sick so I'll be staying home with them and only Soren will make it to church. Usually I have a Christmas "dress" and the kids have coordinating outfits and I love getting a family photo after church- but this year I don't have special outfit plans and we'll be spending the day in pajamas. I am actually really looking forward to the day because we have a lot of good things planned. We'll be finishing making and addressing Christmas cards, wrapping a few presents, playing board games and taking naps. I don't work on Sundays so I appreciate the day to catch up with my kids and spend quality time together. Church is important and we'll be back next week, but the Sabbath today will  be a family day and we'll be worshiping from home.

I'm so looking forward to Christmas list week and thanks to our advent calendar, I feel like our whole family has learned more and remembered more about our Savior this month. We love this uplifting message about the first gift of Christmas and I hope your family will too.

PS- I feel like I'm still figuring out this new hair! These photos were taken last week and since then I've snagged quite a few new products and been trying new things. It's not perfect- or easy to get down- but I'm working on it and I still love it. Bear with me and when I feel like I have a handle on it I'll do some tutorials!


  1. I hate missing church, especially when the reason is sick kids. But thankfully, there is always next week to attend. I usually have dresses for my girls, and this year was a total flop. All cut out, but not sewn up yet. Maybe they will be new years dresses. Merry Christmas!

  2. Lovely sweater :) M&MFASHIONBITES


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