What I Wore- NYE

Asymetrical tee, dark denim and leopard ankle boots

Asymetrical tee, dark denim and leopard ankle boots

Asymetrical tee, dark denim and leopard ankle boots

Asymetrical tee, dark denim and leopard ankle boots
SHIRT- Elizabeth and Clarke c/o // JEANS- GAP // BOOTS- Thrifted // CLUTCH- Local Boutique // NECKLACE- Stitch Fix // EARRINGS- Forever 21

Happy New Year's Eve! We've had a busy day running to Walmart (ugh) and then Target (yay!) to pick up a few things and get ready for our big night. Not only is it the last day of 2014, but for our family today is an especially big day. My brother Cody has been serving a mission in Taiwan for the last two years and today he comes home! We'll be heading to the airport shortly armed with handmade welcome home signs and lots of love. It feels like he has been gone forever, and yet I can't believe two years have flown by! So much has changed here and I can't wait to see the changes in him that are sure to have happened. He hasn't even met Knox! 

We plan on picking him up and heading to my Moms to eat a family favorite dinner of homemade Calzones. Then we'll open the last of our Christmas presents we saved to enjoy with him. I'm sure he'll be exhausted so we'll only stay as long as our kids can handle it and then we'll head home. We won't be going out to dance or party or do anything glamorous, but I can't imagine a better way to end this year and start the next. 

What are you plans? How do you celebrate New Year's Eve? 


  1. How wonderful and exciting!!! Love your hair btw:)

  2. How exciting for your family! My sister is currently serving a mission and reading about your poster making has me so excited and anxious for her to come home (in 14 months haha)! I hope you have a fun night with your loved ones, I have enjoyed following your story this year on here and on Instagram! Have a happy new year!

  3. Very happy for you! Please say thank you to your brother for his service. Happy New Year!



  4. Love your outfit! So chic and relaxed at the same time!

  5. Gotta love some leopard shoes! I kept it so low-key for NYE. This look is totally fierce, but it also seems really comfortable. Happy New Year! =)


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