I Already Need a New New Year- Me Time

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group®,  Real Simple® and InStyle® but all my opinions are my own. #PMedia #NewYearMeTime  http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV

Well, we are halfway through January and I'll have to admit I'm a little burned out. I didn't set any extreme resolutions that I'm ready to abandon, but the cold and cloudy days have put a damper on my motivation in general. I've been working a lot and that also has the tendency to suck the excitement out of me- unless it's work that I want to do. What does give me energy and motivate me is taking time for a little creative renewal- whether that is actually flexing those creativity muscles or just looking for new inspiration. 

One of my favorite ways to look for a little fresh inspiration? Magazines. Instead of buying a treat at the Walmart as a reward for the sometimes arduous task of shopping with little ones, I'll grab a magazine at the checkout. Or two. It gives me something to look forward to (the down time reading it after bedtime) and it's a healthier option. :)  I'm amazed at the random things that stick with me after I peruse magazines and that's one reason I love them. It might be a parenting tip, style inspiration or product inspiration. No matter what I feel slightly refreshed and my creative juices are flowing after a few minutes to myself with a fresh magazine.

This week I grabbed Instyle and Real Simple and after the kids went to bed I said no to work and just chilled on the couch with my cereal, The Bachelor and my mags. Of course I found some new tidbits and inspo so I thought I'd share what grabbed my attention this week.

1. Real Simple has an article this month about why boredom is actually important. Who knew boredom had its benefits? I try to keep my kids off of electronics at stores and no DVD's in the van, but sometimes it is just easier. I loved reading that boredom is good for my kids. It makes me feel like its okay to be a "mean mom"! I've thought about this article multiple times this week.

2, Real Simple also featured a trend page about fringe which I loved.Fringe has been on my mind a lot and I'd love to incorporate it into some of our products. I love seeing my ideas validated in print and also to see this fresh, light take on the trend.

3.And as far as style goes this month? InStyle did an article about window pane prints. I've had window pane print pants on my list for a while now and it looks like they can stay there. This trend is here to stay and I love how many options it can be found in. 

What magazines do you love to devour? Or what do you love to do for a few moments of me-time?

P.S. You can save $1.00 on ONE (1) PEOPLE®, InStyle®, PEOPLE StyleWatch®, All You®, or Real Simple® magazine. TheWalmart digital coupon is available 1/14/15-2/16/15 (while supplies last). To access the coupon you must be a member/subscriber to Walmart.com.


  1. I love magazine browsing for some me time!

  2. I love your boots-can you please tell me the brand and where you got them?!


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