Just In Time

Black fur, black and white stripes and distressed denim

Black fur, black and white stripes and distressed denim

Black fur, black and white stripes and distressed denim

Black fur, black and white stripes and distressed denim

Black fur, black and white stripes and distressed denim
 VEST- Chicwish c/o // SHIRT- GAP, old (similar)  // PANTS- Thrifted (Gap) // BOOTS- Enzo Angiolini (similar) // EARRINGS- Nickel & Suede (Marsala Large) // CLUTCH- Local Boutique 

I'm coming in super late this week- but I'm determined to check in at least once before next week steam rolls me too! This has been one busy last few days. Thank goodness everyone has been healthy and things are getting done, except blogging that is, but it's just been one of those weeks. That I never have.

But seriously we are always busy and I mostly find time do try and do it all. This week I couldn't. And didn't. And it is what it is. I'll admit I was a bit of a witch this week during it all, but thankfully my family mostly forgave me and I'm over it.

So what did we do while I wasn't here? Easton celebrated 100 days of school this week and we made a super awesome prehistoric poster with 100 dino fruit snacks attached. He did such a great job on his first great project... even if Knox ate fruit snacks 70-100 the first time around.

We had a Nickel & Suede party this week and it went great. We are so lucky have such amazing women in our hometown that want to help us spread the word about our brand and share us with their friends.

It's been a busy week of shipping and manufacturing around here. It's always hard to juggle getting orders out the door and working ahead on upcoming N&S developments.

I taught preschool... once. As bad as a I felt, I had to cancel one day just due to being overwhelmed. Thursday was actually my last day teaching in our co-op and next week we'll be moving to a short term preschool program at a local high school. Kesler loves being doted on by teenage and preteen age girls so I think the high school child development class will be great for him.

Ah and I did take an hour to get my haircut this week. It's short! And in about two weeks I'll probably have it figured out again. I WISH I had time to get some hair and makeup tutorials up and believe me I have the content- so just bear with me. I'm doing my best!

I hope you have a great weekend planned- I know I'm already looking forward to mine! Oh- and our winner from last week's contest was announced here! Thanks for entering!!!


  1. What a busy week! These pictures are beautiful and I love the black vest too, so fun!

  2. I have those boots and wear them all the time. I love that they are pull on and instantly polish my outfit!

  3. love this outfit! and your earrings, that must be your new color???so cute!


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