Meet Cozy Orange

Cozy Orange gray yoga top and radiant orchid pants

Teal yoga top, Cozy Orange yoga pants

Black running jacket, gray running pants

Cozy Orange gray yoga top and radiant orchid pants

Teal yoga top, Cozy Orange yoga pants

Black running jacket, gray running pants

Cozy Orange gray yoga top and radiant orchid pants

Black running jacket, gray running pants
JACKET: Old Navy (old) // PANTS: Cozy Orange // SHOES: Nike 

Cozy Orange gray yoga top and radiant orchid pants
TOP: Cozy Orange // PANTS: Nike // SHOES: Nike

Teal yoga top, Cozy Orange yoga pants
TOP: Cozy Orange // PANTS: Cozy Orange // SHOES: Nike // MAT: Target

As you may know, Soren and I bought gym memberships a few months ago. Both of us needed more movement in our lives and a reason to get out of the house more often since we work at home. Soren has been really good about going regularly and I'm working on getting there regularly. In college we went together all of the time so it has been fun to take up that hobby again together. We don't have any hobbies in common so starting ONE is HUGE!

Ideally I'd love to attend two cardio classes a week and then a pilates or yoga class in between. That's all I need. Just three days a week. But somehow life happens.

What does get me to the gym? New workout clothes. Who doesn't that work for? In November Cozy Orange sent me some workout clothing to try out and Soren and I were both extremely impressed. Workout clothes were on my Christmas list so Soren bought me a few more pants from Cozy Orange and they are fabulous. They are perfect for yoga, but honestly they work for everything. I can easily run in these capris that he bought me and go to any class in any of the items above. The pants are thick, have the perfect amount of stretch and hold their shape. I don't fawn over brands often, but this is one I'll push at you. :) Especially because this month they are having a huge sale and you can grab some great workout items for a steal.

How are your workout goals going this year? What are they?


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