Catching Up This Weekend

SUNNIES- Target // CARDIGAN- Forever 21 // TEE- Downeast Basics // PANTS- TJ Maxx (Lucky Brand) // SHOES- Zulily (old) (similar) // BAG- Thrifted (similar, similar) // CUFF- Nickel & Suede // EARRINGS- Nickel & Suede
Photo Credit- Sarah Sweeney

This weekend was a weekend to catch up. It started out as a whirlwind with a Friday road trip to buy more leather for Nickel & Suede. The trip went well and it was fun to getaway for the day and have a few moments of thought to myself. The bad part was that the trip involved 6+ hours of driving and I was spent by the time Friday night rolled around. The rest of the weekend I took two naps, cleaned, folded a bunch of laundry and played outside with the kids. Thank goodness our cleaning ladies are coming later today- I need all the help I can get to dig out. I also took a half a break from blogging and social media and it was needed. Sometimes social media feels really social and fun and inspiring and other times it's really draining and gets me burnt out. So here's to not being burnt out this week and feeling a little more creative. 

How was your weekend? Did you get any sun or outside time?


  1. Frst of all I love that bag! Thrifting is so fun because you'll never know what you'll find! :) Weekends to catch up can be fun because it's mostly relaxing, but if there are things to be done it can also make my brain go a mile a minute thinking about everything that needs to be done! Cheers to a relaxing weekend and Happy Monday!

  2. I really love this look; casual but still very chic! Also, love that you thrift!


  3. What colour earrings are these?


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