Feeling Lucky

I've had a lot of mixed feeling about writing this post- but if I ever feel that way about a topic- usually that is an indicator that I should start typing. If you've been around for a while, you know I'm pretty open on the blog. In real life I'm not quite so open (I try!)- but I've always found it easier to express myself online. So, today we've got news to share...

We're expecting! Well, I'm expecting. ;) Baby #4 is on his or her way and we are so happy about it. Soren and I both want a big family and as far as kid spacing goes- it's time to have our next.

How far along am I? Well, here come the mixed feelings. I'm about four weeks along. Yep, you read that right. That puts me due in mid-November and yes, because I just told you so early- you will now feel like this is the longest pregnancy EVER.

So why am I announcing it now? With such little fanfare and no fancy photo shoot? Well, because I don't really have any reason to hide it. And it's hard to hide it. Last Fall I had a miscarriage and blogged all about it. If for some reason we have another one, I'll blog about that too. I struggle more when I'm not open about things and you know what? The first trimester is hard for me. Like really hard and I don't want to spend the next 8 weeks acting totally fine and totally not pregnant just so I can announce it at the 'right' time.

So maybe I'm telling you know so I can complain more openly, but I think there are a lot of women who struggle during their first trimester (not just with nausea) and no one talks about it. Which makes life even more tough!

At any rate, get ready for a post or two about life during the first trimester. I hope life can continue as normally as possible for these next few months because I have no shortage of things to keep getting done. But in reality, I'm definitely being forced to slow down a bit.

I feel so lucky and blessed to have been able to get pregnant again so soon after our last and pray that everything moves along healthily and well.

Thanks for your patience and support! I promise this won't be turning into a maternity blog anytime soon!


  1. Congratulations! I've also have experienced miscarriage (twice) but I also have 2 lovely girls. Try not to worry too much :) i don't miss the first trimester symptoms

  2. Congratulations!!!!! Can't wait to see your cute little beach ball belly

  3. Congratulations! & sending prayers your way for a healthy pregnancy!

  4. Congratulations! I am 10 weeks along with our first baby. I will definitely be looking forward to reading all about your pregnancy :)

  5. Congratulations! And your logic on sharing "early" makes perfect sense. All the best to you!

  6. Love the "less is more" take...no Pinterest photo shoot announcement needed! Congrats!!!

  7. Congrats! I had a miscarriage too, but had a beautiful girl after that. Thanks for sharing! Cannot wait to experience it with you.

  8. Oh my gosh yes!!! I toooootally know what you mean about the mix of just everything during the first trimester. It's honestly just down right hard and I am seriously feeling for you right now. I wish I could come give you a hug!!! I'm so so excited for you and I'm praying for you for the next few months... You got this momma!!!! Love you!

  9. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing this news with us! I'm a fairly new reader (found out about you and your beautiful jewelry through the blog-o-sphere here in Kansas City) and I love hearing your honest thoughts on life, family, working, etc. Not to mention your great style :) Anyway, just wanted to say hi and that I'm excited for you!

  10. Congrats! I'm happy you shared at this point. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy!

  11. What wonderful news for you and your Family!!! Praying for you and baby! And a kind first trimester (if there is such a thing lol)

  12. Congratulations!! :)

    I am definitely of the same belief as you when it comes to being an early pregnancy announcement sharer! And yeah, I'm a total blog open book as well :)

  13. Congrats! I'm 24 weeks along with my first pregnancy! I'm looking forward to reading along with your pregnancy! I love your blog!

  14. Congratulations! Best wishes for a smooth next couple of months (and more, really).

  15. Congratulations! Wonderful news! I hope these next weeks fly by and things aren't to hard.

  16. Congratulations! Thanks for being so open. You have no idea how much it helps. I wish you and your family all the best and all the energy and positivity that you need. And even if this blog turns into a maternity blog I'd still be reading it. I just love reading about your cute family!

  17. Congratulations. What a blessing!

  18. Congratulations! I love your blog and am overjoyed with this news for you and your sweet family :) praying God's blessings over you all!

  19. Congrats to you and your family!!

  20. Congratulations, Kilee! We, too, just found out we were expecting and announced it early, so I loved seeing this post today. Praying now for a healthy baby and peace for your heart...having had several miscarriages, I know how scary the first trimester is!

  21. I am so excited for you and your family! One of my best friends just had a miscarriage, and reading your post about it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for your honesty, and for inviting us readers into your life. I'll be praying for peace, health, hope, and joy.

  22. Congratulations!! Sending prayers for a healthy pregnancy!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. So happy for you both! May God bless you with a smooth pregnancy & a healthy baby! xo

  25. Thanks for bucking the trend, and standing up for doing what feels most sane. :)
    "your logic on sharing 'early' makes perfect sense"
    I totally agree!

  26. This is so relevant for me, I'll be 12 weeks Saturday and my first doc appointment is this Tuesday. I had a miscarriage once before and it sucked having to tell everybody, just because I did not want to share the emotion of it, or for people to try and comfort me. Yet, I still tell my family and friends the minute I get a positive pregnancy test.a d first trimester is tough for me as well,it could definitely be tougher but I have mild morning sickness all day, everyday, and it wears me down.

  27. Nice sharing, express yourself online you guys are looking beautiful



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