Knit Camo Jacket and Ripped Denim

JACKET- Fevrie // TEE- GAP // JEANS- Stitch Fix // SHOES- Chicwish c/o (similar) // CLUTCH- Stitch Fix // CUFF- Nickel & Suede // EARRINGS- Nickel & Suede
Photo Credit- Sarah Sweeney

Happy Monday- I'm hoping your week is starting off well! We had a full weekend of fun and spent last night getting the house in order so I'm hoping to start the week off well. It took two of us, two shows, two bowls of cereal and at least two hours to get laundry finally all folded and put together last night. No wonder it's taken us weeks to get to the piles. 

On Friday Easton had soccer practice (our fate every Friday night now) and it was quite the practice. They had their first practice game and Easton scored his first couple of goals. He full on somersaulted and danced every time he scored and it was adorable! According to him it was the best day ever and I'm sure he meant it. We headed to Family Fun night at his school afterwards and spent a boatload of money on hot dogs, wristbands and sticker and tattoo prizes. Neither Soren or I lost our minds so I consider the night a success. 

Saturday was also jam packed, but it was a rough day for me. Most days I wake up feeling physically pretty well. I'm always tired, but I've learned that I really get depressed during my first trimester. I struggle wanting to get up, to get things done or to keep moving as things overwhelm me throughout the day. If things typically overwhelm me, they overwhelm me double or triple that level right now. Saturday was definitely a battle all day long to not climb back under the covers and just mope. But I just kept moving and praying and the day ended up turning around for me. 

We had a fun morning at the Easter Egg Hunt and then in the afternoon I prepped for our Nickel & Suede Mother's Day photo shoot. We had several mother/daughter sets model for us so I did makeup and chose outfits and then we headed downtown to take photos. I think it turned out well and I'm very relieved to have it off my plate. With pregnancy brain in full force right now, my vision and creativity is suffering heavily so I felt pretty unsure going into the whole project. 

Now I'm moving on to preparing and stressing over the next project. I am fortunate enough to be able to speak at a local blog conference Go Blog Social in just under two weeks and I feel like it will be here before I know it. I'm speaking on growing a business from your blog and while that is what I have done, I feel like I don't have concrete ideas written down about how I've done that. I'll be spending the next two weeks doing a lot of brainstorming and drafting and I'm sure it will turn out. Regardless it is an amazing opportunity and I am really excited about it.

Did you struggle with depression during your first trimester? Any tips for pushing through it?


  1. I am obsessed with that jacket.


  2. I just found your blog and insta and I'm thrilled to find someone with great style I can mimic. I've browsed all around your blog and feel inspired and not just for my wardrobe! I love your personality and honesty!

    I just wanted to comment on early pregnancy. I despise it. It is so hard to see that short time ever ending, but it always does! My last four pregnancies have ended in the second trimester which makes me extra depressed each time I'm pregnant. Here's what helped me. I took everything off my plate I possibly could. For me, my first priority was spending time with my kids. I hired a very part time nanny/housekeeper to help the house. She did my dishes, laundry, got my groceries, even cleaned my car. I couldn't really afford it, but honestly I only needed help a couple hours a day for a month so it wasn't a huge expense. And I felt so much better having my house clean. Plus she could babysit for my weekly appointments. Also when my hubby got home from work his time was freed up to spend time with kids, baseball games, get dinner on, homework, and bedtime. He didn't have to worry about the house.

    I know first trimester can be so hard. Remember it can't last forever and its so worth it! Give yourself a break. Hopefully there is something you can take off your plate so you're not feeling so down. Hang in there!!

  3. I just found your blog and insta and I'm thrilled to find someone with great style I can mimic. I've browsed all around your blog and feel inspired and not just for my wardrobe! I love your personality and honesty!

    I just wanted to comment on early pregnancy. I despise it. It is so hard to see that short time ever ending, but it always does! My last four pregnancies have ended in the second trimester which makes me extra depressed each time I'm pregnant. Here's what helped me. I took everything off my plate I possibly could. For me, my first priority was spending time with my kids. I hired a very part time nanny/housekeeper to help the house. She did my dishes, laundry, got my groceries, even cleaned my car. I couldn't really afford it, but honestly I only needed help a couple hours a day for a month so it wasn't a huge expense. And I felt so much better having my house clean. Plus she could babysit for my weekly appointments. Also when my hubby got home from work his time was freed up to spend time with kids, baseball games, get dinner on, homework, and bedtime. He didn't have to worry about the house.

    I know first trimester can be so hard. Remember it can't last forever and its so worth it! Give yourself a break. Hopefully there is something you can take off your plate so you're not feeling so down. Hang in there!!

  4. I always love your honesty and I cannot wait to hear you speak at GBS! It's been so fun to see you grow your business and truly make it happen. I always love seeing your marketing strategy and timing of your products pop up in my feeds. It looks like you've got it together and I can't wait to hear you speak! You got this!! xo Cait

  5. Some serious envy over here for your shoes! Great look!

  6. I'm with you, Kilee! I am a textbook introvert with a huge need for creativity (sewing and writing), and struggle with depression and anxiety, so when you post about things like social anxiety or overwhelming days with boys (I have two of my own, a preschooler and a toddler), I am like, "Yes, me too!!" I had first trimester depression really bad with my second, but I don't know if I have any solid advice! Just an encouragement that it.will.end. Perhaps small, well spaced goals will help make the time go quicker (something to look forward to/work toward). I am lucky in a sense that my job (nurse) provides lots of distraction, so it may be harder to be running a business from home where the majority of the work is self-motivated (but it seems like you have a lot of great things coming up on that end of things :) ). Hire a cleaner one or two days a week if house stuff perpetuates negativity because it can be overwhelming! I also found that eating very well was key for me, after I discovered that a steady diet of beef jerky and juice weren't doing me any favors. Low nutrient snacks and too much sugar are triggers for anxiety for me so I try to keep them from being habitual! Praying for you!

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