Monday Goals

CARDIGAN- Old Navy (old) // TUNIC- Chicwish // DENIM- TJ Maxx // SHOES- Old Navy (old) // BAG- HMK // CUFF- N&S // EARRINGS- N&S (Silver Chrome-large)

I've decided this week to set some goals. Monday's always show up with full to-do lists and messes to recover from the weekend. On top of that, lately I've been feeling tired, sluggish, lacking confidence and well just in a bit of a personal rut. So this week I'm setting a few personal goals and I think they'll make a difference in the overall week. And how I feel in general!

1. Drink 5 full Fiji bottles of water a day. (Refilling my same bottle of course!)
2. Start out each night wearing my retainer to bed. Whether I keep it in all night is another story- but I'll start.
3. Take a 20 minute nap if a nap calls- rather than eating a treat or drinking more caffeine. 
4. Start and end my days with personal prayers.
5. Don't attempt a fifth- four is plenty.

I'll be listing these babies on my bathroom mirror and kitchen chalkboard. Seeing things written down repeatedly makes a big difference in whether I get things done. 

How often do you set goals? What do you want to work on this week?


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