My First Mother's Day + a Lily Jade Sale!

TOP- Stitch Fix // JEANS- TJ Maxx // SHOES- Old Navy // BAG- Lily Jade Madeline // CUFF- Nickel and Suede // EARRINGS- Nickel & Suede (Large Silver Chrome)
This year Mother's Day falls on May 10th. It will be an extra special day for us because my oldest also turns 6. He came into this world 6 years ago and made me a mother for the first time. And the day he was born was also Mother's Day. 
For some reason while I was pregnant with Easton I didn't even realize his due date was so close to Mother's Day- but sure enough the day before his due date was Mother's Day. I woke up in the middle of the night with pretty strong and steady contractions. I had already made a plan to try and stay home for as long as possible so rather than wake Soren up I decided to take a bath and shave my legs. Heaven forbid I have hairy legs during labor! I'm pretty sure after my bath I painted my toes although I may not have been able to reach them. During the last week of Easton's pregnancy my feet and ankles swelled up to elephant status. I couldn't even get flip flops on. Soren had tried to rub them and my Achilles the night before- so that may have been what set me over the edge to labor, but who knows.
By about 7 am I finally had Soren up and was walking around the house doubling over whenever a contraction hit. He was getting ready for church and was ready to leave me home and let me rest for while. We both knew all of the stories of women who go to the hospital too quickly and labor there all day so he naturally thought I'd be laboring at home all day. I did my best to set him straight. I told him to start getting things and bags ready for the hospital and eventually he began to take me seriously. 
Being the clueless first timers we were, we didn't call ahead to the hospital, so the nurses also didn't take me seriously. The took their time getting me paperwork and meanwhile I couldn't sit down. All I could do was pace and breath and felt like dying. We ruffianly got back to triage and when they checked me I was already at a 6. Things really sped up then! Within an hour little Easton was in my arms and no one could believe how fast he had come. 
It feels like its been forever since then and then again it feels like yesterday. I love having new babies and that part of motherhood is one of my favorites. I'm looking forward to our new baby joining our family this Fall and the awesome changes that will bring. If you are becoming a mom this year for the first time or third time- I'm excited for you too! 
And if you are expecting, I can't say enough good things about my Lily Jade Diaper Bag. I have the Madeline in Red and it has been so good to me. It really is made of beautiful leather that impresses even more in person- and we are leather people! The straps are the perfect length for over the shoulder or cross body style. When I'm packing for baby- it is so nice to have place for all 1000 things you may or may not need while you are out and about. If you've had a baby you know what I mean! Lily Jade is having a Mother's Day sale so this is your chance to snag the perfect leather diaper bag for a great deal- they rarely go on sale. All of their bags are on sale and you can even win on on their Instagram account. Call it a Mother's Day gift to yourself, or get one for your daughter, sister or best friend. They will thank you for it!


  1. My oldest came fast as well. Although I spend all day in labor, not realizing I was in labor. It is quite a fun story. Bless the nurses at the hospital. Thanks for sharing your story!

  2. THANKS so much for referencing the color of your N&S earrings! I'm a huge fan! :) LOVE the diaper bag.. sure wish there would've been great bags like this back when I was pregnant!

  3. You are adorable. Love this outfit, the shoes, the fringe at the bottom of the jeans, the bracelet. I still wear the bracelet you gave us as SNAP, I've been wanting to figure out a good stack bracelet combo and get overwhelmed with options!

  4. I became a first time momma on mother's day six years ago as well!! Can't wait to celebrate with my little again this year!


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