Sunday Style- One Way to Hide A Bump

JACKET- Forever 21 // TEE- Downeast Basics // SKIRT- GAP (similar) // SHOES- Sole Society // EARRINGS- N&S (Antique Brass- large)

I've got a measurable bump these days. If you could see me in my sweats right now you'd agree. But I've been working on hiding it a little and I think I've found a few ways. They'll all be in an upcoming post- but one of them I'm employing today. That trick is wearing a dark color- like black- in a monochromatic outfit under an open cardigan or jacket. This light, patterned jacket adds slimming lines down my middle and the black tee and skirt just blend together. I think a dark navy or charcoal could work well- but really black is my favorite and probably the easiest to find in your closet too. 

I hope you have had an uplifting Sunday. I've spent my day playing with my kiddos, organizing a few closets and working on the never ending task of picking up after 4 boys. Thankfully I've got lots of uplifting talks to listen to from a recent church conference and that makes Sunday feel a little more like the Sabbath. (Knox is under the weather so church was a no-go for us today.)

What makes you feel uplifted and inspired on Sundays? Do you do anything differently?


  1. Pretty impressive, there's no hint of a bump in this outfit! Great style.

  2. So cute! Love those shoes! :)

  3. Church was a no-go for us too. I am having a baby girl in 4 days and I cannot walk. So I spend my day with my two boys baking, and making freezer meals. You look adorable!

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