Life Lately

This is a year of firsts for our family this year. And I'd say those firsts are making us pretty busy! The last month has had all kinds of big events. 

Kesler "graduated" from preschool. He still has another year before Kindergarten, but this kid knows his stuff. His handwriting is better than Easton's and he definitely knows his shapes, numbers, colors and a whole bunch of other stuff. I'm considering spending preschool money on extracurricular activities for him this next year. He has expressed interest in Tae Kwon Do so we'll see where we end up with him. 

We haven't had a lot of warm weather, but we do spend the dry evenings that we have outside eating popsicles, ice cream and going on walks. (See below.)

Easton finished up his first year of elementary school.  He really has grown so much this year. I'm so impressed with his reading and drawing skills. Not to mention being a great leader in his class and helper to his teacher. The little boys and I spent an afternoon on the playground with his class and enjoyed seeing little mister popular with his friends. He was ready for school to be out and boy are we glad to have him home everyday now!

Soren and I haven't seen much of each other lately. He was gone mountain climbing in Seattle last week and this week has been up at the Canadian boarder canoeing with the boy scouts in our church's troop. He finally gets home tomorrow and we're so excited. We did go on a fun date a few weeks back and I'm hoping we can squeeze another one in before I leave for Salt Lake on the 9th. 

Poor Knox has had a rough month. He's been teething, but also got that mouth infection that took forever to heal. He is doing much better now and is SO much happier. I'm thrilled to have my sweet and joyful boy back. 

And the best thing we have done lately? Of course my favorite Memorial Day celebration. It almost got rained out, but we went anyways and had the best time ever. It wasn't hot, it wasn't crowded and the fireworks were fabulous. Soren was home for one day in between his trips and I'm thankful it was Sunday so we could all go celebrate Memorial Day as a family. I sure love my little family!

That covers the big things this last month. This last week has been crazy with Soren gone and trying to work on a bunch of big Nickel & Suede projects. We have an exciting month coming up including new Summer product launching Monday! I'm excited to share what's new with you as it comes- it's a lot!

Have a great Saturday!


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